Thursday, October 17, 2024

Planned Mass, Epic, Historic Level Voter Fraud

 We need to continue praying resraint, and binding over the enemy plans to commit epic levels of voter fraud in the upcoming election.  They got caught, this time-with over 10 million fraudulent ballots and the USPS wants to protect the people behind it!  We know the game they want to play and we have to engage to stop it.  Remember to bind and restrain every plot, plan, agenda and narrative the enemy has to steal the upcoming election according to:

Matt 18:

18Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosedf in heaven. 19Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

We stand in agreement with each other and with the Lord God Most High that nothing  "they" do will change the outcome of the upcoming election.  We loose the angels who serve the Most High God to go forth and expose and destroy every plot, plan, agenda and narrative that seeks to commit fraud or any other means to steal the next election.  We loose and bind in accordance to Matt 18.  We also pray to the Lord God that He will intervene on our behalf to have mercy on us in our time of need.  We pray and ask in Jesus name that the enemy will not be allowed to steal this election.  We pray and ask in Jesus name that the enemy will not be allowed to rule over us in oppression and tyranny.  

It is the prayers of the Church and the mercy of the Most High God that have prevented two decarbonization attempts on the orange man.  It is the prayers of the Church and the mercy of the Most High God that has exposed over 10 million fraudulent ballots from being delivered in Pennsylvania.  This latest expose is just more proof that "they" are committed to fraud, theft and whatever else it takes to steal the next election.  It will be the Lord God alone, in agreement with the Church that will stop this.

Continue to fast, pray and whatever else the Spirit of the Lord impresses you to do.  Time is short.

Glory to God

grace and peace

What is the Lord God Planning to Do

 We do not need to worry about what the enemy plans to do, "they" need to worry about what the Lord God plans to do.  And what is that?

1.  The Church is being called to stand in agreement with Him and with each other-perfect unity to accomplish all that He wants to do.

2.  The Church must return to Him in repentance, revival and righteousness.  We are to pass through repentance and revival into standing and staying in a place of righteousness.

3.  Then all eyes turn to punish the enemy.  The plan is to take everything back.  Like what?

-take back every school board across the country that is currently filled with corrupt, pervert, sell out, communist, satanist globalists

-take back city councils across the country

-take back city governments across the country

-take back county governments across the country

-take back state governments across the country

-take back every public institution across the country which means uprooting and removing the deep state.

-punishing corporations that support the globalists satanic psychopaths

-taking back the court rooms and purging corrupt judges across the land from high to low

The Lord God has said it many times, this is not a push back on darkness it is a complete and total war on darkness.  "They" started it, the Lord God intends to finish it.  "Tolerance" and all the feel good buzzwords for allowing the presence of evil in our society is to be driven out with no quarter given.   "They" started this war and "they" set the ground rules which are no mercy and no quarter given.  Attack at every moment from every direction-that is how they have assaulted humanity and these same exact rules will be used to take them down.

The Lord God would have His Church finish strong on this earth.  The fact that the Church remains on this earth is the evidence that restraint on the enemy is the goal and expectation for our day.  The restrainer is the Spirit filled Church.  We are salt and light in this world.  Salt prevents decay (when it is doing its job) and light drives out darkness every time without exception.  It is time to do our job.  We are not expected to do this alone.  We stand hand in hand with each other and the Lord our God.  He is leading this fight, we follow.

What the nobody who writes to you today has heard is the Lord God intends to rout and plunder the enemy.  As the enemy is fleeing in a state of wild confusion and disorderly retreat, He intends to take back every square inch of ground that has been lost to the enemy.  There is zero "inclusivity" between light and darkness.  No tolerance for it, no respect for it, no place for it.  Light is very "intolerant" of darkness and makes no apology for it.

So if you want to know the Lord's plan, there it is.  And notice the orange man has not been mentioned once in all this.  Does the orange man DJT have a part to play?  Yes, but the Church has a greater part to play.  The cackling hyena Jezebel from California and her backers in the demonic party who are backed by the globalists who are backed by Satan himself-they have zero future apart from what the Lord God allows them.

You are encouraged to get down on your knees in prayer and fasting to find out the mind of the Lord God for yourself.  It is not only encouraged but necessary.  It is going to take the power of the Most High God to accomplish any of this.  We are in the middle of a spiritual war but we have to remember always we are on the winning side.

1 John 4:4

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

We have alot of work to do.  We alot of prayer and fasting to do.  Every plot, plan, agenda, narrative etc of the enemy must be placed under binding and restraint.  We need to loose the angels who serve the Most High God and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth every day to take the fight to the enemy's spiritual strongholds, to destroy their supply and support, to disrupt and disorganize, to sow havoc and confusion in the enemy's ranks.  This is total war and you can be sure the enemy takes all this very seriously.  "They" tried to kill us and enslave us.  "They" did not even spare our children from their perverted pshcyo satanic sick attacks.  So now the shoe is on the other foot and "they" are not going to like it at all.

The Lord God is not worried and not anxious about what the enemy plans to do.  "They" need to be very worried about what the Lord God is going to do.  We need to get down on our knees and get our marching orders daily from the Lord God so we can stand in agreement with what He is doing.  The Lord God has His eyes on His Church, what the enemy wants is irrelevant.  The Lord puts His eyes on us and we put our eyes right back on Him.  We offer ourselves up daily to the Lord our God as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing in His sight.  To do what is good and right in His eyes.  We do these things, and this servant believes it is going to be an overwhelming tsunami of hurt for all the enemy plans and intentions.  It will not be a fair fight at all, it will be a rout.

So, lets get aligned with the Lord our God and with each other.

Jn 17:23

I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Col 3

12Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

We are going to win this fight.  We stand on it, we believe it, we receive it in Jesus name.

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Glory to God

grace and peace

Your Too Big Calling & How To Grow Into It | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

 The servant who writes to you today stands in agreement with the Spirit of the Lord and with brother Cahn that this is what the Lord is saying to the Church today.  We are being called to be the very best version of ourselves starting today until we graduate from this earth.  For the watchmen on the wall today, this generation there will be no turning back, no turning away we are to press into our calling which is upward in Christ Jesus.

This upward calling while we are on earth will lead to (at some point) an upward calling to the clouds:

1 Thess 4

16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage one another with these words.

Rapture debating is irrelevant now.  The Lord God has spoken clearly with an answer to that problem so simple a child can understand it.  Be ready every day to meet the Lord and you cannot miss or screw up the rapture timing.  With that said we just saw an X cross road over the United States, a wedding ring solar eclipse on Rosh Hashanah and an 80,000 year comet in the same time frame.  Over the top of that the Spirit of the Lord has been impressing this idea of us using our talents, skills abilities since around 2020 and the scamdemic, and now here of late that idea has graduated into pressing into the highest best version of ourselves.  This is all preparatory.  This is all necessary to accomplish the things the Lord God wants to do in the earth while the Church is still here.

A door has been opened for humanity.  Its as if the Lord God is parting the Red Sea for Israel once again but its for all of us this time.  Most of us have noticed that the wicked almost got away with stealing and subverting everything.  The apathy and complacency of the Church allowed it.  But this is a new day and the Lord is doing something new:

Isa 43:19

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

The path forward for us is a path of unity with each other and with the Lord God Almighty.  That unity must be achieved His way, not our way.  The unity we are called to will be accomplished through repentance, revival, righteousness, prayer, fasting, and relentless consistency in following up with these things and doubling and tripling down on these things.  It will be a path of discipline and obedience.  We should all be very much aware by now that "they" have tried their best to destroy our children and to extermin@te us through various means at their disposal.  The time is now to slam the brakes on all that.

The Lord God Almighty has raised up a battle standard for His people to rally to.  He is willing to put an end to the narcissistic psychopath plans, agendas, narratives etc if we will do what we are told and do it on His terms, not our own.  He is saying the same thing to the Church today that He said to Israel long ago:

2 Chron 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

We must go "all in" on the Lord our God, His plan, His Spirit, His Word and we do it today.  Each one of us is being called to be rebaptized with fire and to go forth into the world exactly as Jesus did.  He told us we will do the same things He did, but even greater things:

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Churchianity must die, the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing the Lord God hates must die.  The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is the pastoral/priest "laity" system.  Nico means "conquer" and laitan means "laity."  Anyone who teaches, preaches and uses the word "laity" to describe believers is part of this system.  The Lord God hated it then, and He hates it now:

Rev 2:6

But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

The idea that there are "lay people" in the Church must die today.  Each and every believer is empowered to move mountains, do all the things Jesus did on the earth and more.  There is nothing "lay person" in that.  The doctrines of devils and demons meant to suppress and disempower the Church is now being exposed and eviscerated.  Each and every believers is being called to rally to the Lord's banner in the fullness of their talents, skills and abilities.  A mighty army made up of individuals who are striving to be the best versions of themselves each and every day in order to fulfill their calling and election in Christ Jesus.

Glory to God

grace and peace


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

20 Days of Good News and Encouragement

 What is the good news today?

The Spirit of the Lord has been speaking to this servant first thing O'dark hundred in the morning every day.  One word is impressed over and over again the moment this nobody rolls out of bed, that word is:  relentless.  Be relentless in prayer, relentless in fasting, relentless in taking the fight to the enemy through intercession, binding, loosing, standing in agreement.  Be relentless, be consistent, then stand.

Eph 6

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm14Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

The Lord our God is leading this fight, but He is asking us to do it standing alongside Him.  We are to stand hand in hand with Him and with each other.  This one is going to be a family victory.  The believing, faith filled, Spirit filled family is doing this together as one.

Gal 6:9

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

We need all hands on deck for this one.  Every believer needs to stand against the wicked one and his army on earth.  We stand united against "them."  We cannot grow weary, we cannot give up, we must not give up until the battle is won.  Renew your strength in the Lord and engage.  In 20 days or so, we are just getting started so we need to dig in and settle into our battle rhythm.  There is a reason the Lord God has called on us to rise up into the best version of ourselves.  There is alot of work to do...The Lord God has impressed upon this servant that He is not interested in just a setback for the enemy.  Not this time.  This one is to be a rout and a plundering.  Then we take back the school boards, the city councils, the judges across the land, the city, county and state governments and the deep state gets yanked out by the roots.  That's the Lord God's plan.

So you see, its not us who should be afraid of what "they" are planning.  What everyone should be wondering is what is the Lord Almighty planning.  Yep, "they" should be very worried about that.

Phil 4:6

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

ISA 14:27

For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?

The orange man is out front right now because the Lord God put him there.  The orange man only stands out front by the grace of the Lord our God.  What we need to understand is the Church is behind the orange man and the Lord God is in and before and behind the Church.  "They" are going to learn a lesson (again) from the past and it is this:

1 Sam 14:47

And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands.


Zech 4:6

So he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.

So the message of good news and encouragement today is if you stand (and you will) in your faith, united with the Lord God in agreement and with the united Body of believers across the world, soon its going to be a very, very bad day for the enemy.

Be relentless.  Be consistent, and stand.  As we do this, we will begin the see the dominoes starting to fall and we will glorify the Lord for it.  Glory to God!

grace and peace

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Phase 2 and The Orange Man

 We are standing in agreement with the Lord our God and with each other that the orange man DJT will be the next president of the United States.  What we need to understand is this, the orange man can do nothing on his own.  The only possible way he has made it this far is by the grace of God Almighty and the cooperation of the Church.  This is a spiritual war, all out total war.  No one of us can stand on our own.  We can and will however do this together standing in agreement with each other and the Lord our God.  This is, and will be a family thing.

The apathy, complacency and corruption of churchianity past must be put down-forever.  The doctrine of devils Nicolaitanism of the past must be bound, restrained and rebuked immediately.  There are no "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  Why is all this important?  Because the enemy plans to being chaos and destruction from day 1 of the orange man taking office.  The attempts on the orange man will not stop until the Spirit of God has completely and thoroughly "cleaned" house of all the deep state, far left, communist, globalist, satanist narcissistic psychopaths.  And that will take some time.

So, if we want to remain free and not force vaxed zombies and impoverished slaves to the globalist demonic cult, it will require disciplined, persistent, every day prayer preparation of the battle field.  We will need to pray a hedge of protection over the orange man every day.  We need to loose angels who serve our Lord Jesus Christ to protect the orange man every day.  We must bind, rebuke and restrain every plot, plan, agenda and narrative that wages war against the orange man, our land and our families-every day.  What is needed today and in the days ahead is light years above and beyond "lay person" Christianity.  What is required is operation in all the spiritual gifts and abilities.  What is required is rising up into the full power and authority that is ours in Christ Jesus to move mountains, restore sight to the blind, raise the dead and much, much more.

It is way past time to stop "going" to Church and start "being" the Church.  We are at the end of one thing and the beginning of another.  This new thing the Lord is doing will require the best version of ourselves to get it done.  It is time to 1. identify what the best version of yourself looks like then 2. bring that best version into this world.  It is time to rise up, to press into the heights of our possibility and capability.  We are to bring the best version of ourselves to the mission/vision the Lord God has for each one of us.  We are here on this earth in this season for that exact, precise reason.

The difference between the orange man's first term and this one is the enemy ran roughshod over the landscape during season 1.  This time it will be much much different.  This time the Church has been called to the battle standard that the Lord God has raised against the enemy.  That means there will be active, direct opposition to everything and anything "they" try to do.  There already is active opposition to what they plan to do through our prayer preparation of the battlefield.  We are in the process of laying obstacles, snares and traps everywhere for the enemy's expected assault.  How is that happening?  We are praying resistance through our understanding and we are praying in tongues where the Spirit fills in all the many holes in our prayers with the fullness and totality of what is needed to accomplish the mission.

The Spirit of the Lord has opened the Lord's armory and all the spiritual weapons needed are available for use.  We are to employ everything.  This is total war.  We did not want this.  We did not ask for this, but here we are.  And, our Commander in Chief-the Lord God Almighty has taken up the challenge, thrown down the gauntlet and asked "are you sure you really want to do this?"  The enemy has responded by going all in, so now "its on."  The enemy and those humans who serve the enemy are about to find out what a terrible idea it was to declare war on Almighty God.

The Church is here for a reason.  The Church and the Spirit within the Church IS the restrainer that holds back the anti-Christ.  This is our job.  This is one thing among many things that falls directly into our job description as the Church.  Its time to go all in for the Lord our God because you can be sure the enemy has gone all in to destroy us, our children and everything else we care about in this world.

Glory to God

grace and peace

Monday, October 14, 2024

Phase 2 Prayer-More of Their Plans and Agenda Revealed Part 2

 See the previous post on how "they" plan to "decarbonize" the orange man with a "solution" from the gunpowder plot of 1605.  If we look at their planning from a wider lens, the general outline is to do similar things that resemble what happened in the orange man's first term but to multiply that by many times.  Why?  Now "they" have many more crimes to hide.  So they want to create a never ending series of false flags, terror events etc to in every and any way distract from the crimes they have committed over the past 4 years and beyond.

"They" will start from day one, so we must start from day 1.  This is the Phase 2 of our prayer preparation of the battlefield program.  Demons kicks, scream and shudder their victims on the way out.  This will be no different.  What will be different is the Lord God is on the warpath, He has raised the battle standard and is rallying His troops.  The Lord God knows everything.  He knows every hiding place, every plot, every plan, every agenda, all of it...and He is coming for "them."  We are to stand hand in hand with Him and with each other as He does His work to clean up the demonic filth that has been allowed to fester in the land for way too long.

The Church is rising up at the call of their Commander.  There will be no stopping this:

Matt 16:18

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The Church standing in agreement with each other and with the Lord God is unstoppable.

Matt 17:20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Get ready because this train does not stop until a light has been shined in every demonic corner, every nook and cranny-there will be no place to hide from Him who sees everything.  This is going to be a family thing.  We who will be spending eternity together start exercising some of the Kingdom stuff now.  This will not be boring...

Glory to God

grace and peace

Phase 2 Prayer-More of Their Plans and Agenda Revealed

 After the orange man is elected we move into phase 2 of the prayer operation that includes taking everything else back.  Phase 2 moves forward regardless of who is president but we are standing in agreement with each other and the Lord God that the orange man will be the next president.

Taking everything back includes our schools, local, city, county, state governments, and removing deep state satanist operatives throughout our government-pulling them out by the roots.  In addition, we will need to pray continuing protection over the orange man while the demonic party collectivist communist satanists are being uprooted.  Why?

Here is another one of their plans/agendas/plots/false flag plans:

It mirrors the Gunpowder Plot of 1605:

The Gunpowder Plot was a failed assassination attempt against King James I of England and VI of Scotland by a group of English Catholics on November 5, 1605. The plot involved the detonation of 36 barrels of gunpowder beneath the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament, intending to kill the King, his queen, and many prominent Protestant politicians and nobles.

It just so happens that recently the deep state far left communists globalist psychopaths (both parties) proposed this: 

TTheir plan is similar to 9/11 except tailor made for the orange man.  Now that we know they are already planning it, we will pray binding, and restraint over it.  We will loose angels who serve our Lord to thwart it, prevent it and provide angelic level security for the orange man.

The Spirit of the Lord knows what they are going to do before they even come up with this stuff.  Our job is to stand in agreement with Him and with each other to thwart, prevent, restrain and bind all the plots, plans, agendas and narratives of the enemy.

Now we have more things to pray about.  Now we understand why the Lord God told us:

Eph 6

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

This is a full time job ^^^.  Once the enemy decided to "decarbonize" billions of us with their bio-weap-vax then starve, impoverish and enslave the rest-it made our decision easy to up our game.  Easy decision, after the Spirit of the Lord gave some of us (this servant included) numerous prods in the right direction.  We don't have to lead, the Lord God has that covered.  We just have to follow and be obedient.  Do what our Commanding General tells us to do and watch the dominos fall.  There has never been a more brilliant mind for strategy, tactics and timing than the Lord our God.  He is also our G-2, Division level intel officer-and again there has never been a better one.

The Lord God has given us the prayer targets.  Now we pray over everything on the battlefield.  No detail is too small, no hiding place will be left unaddressed.  "They" came after everything including our children and there will be a special price to pay for that one:

Matt 18:6

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

All accounts will be settled, with interest....Glory to God

grace and peace


22 Days of Good News

 The good news today is that we can pray, and God Almighty hears our prayers.  The difference between the recent past few years and today (this year) is a praying Church that is snapping out of its apathy and complacency.  Recently the Spirit of the Lord has highlighted some prayer targets that we need to pray over:

1.  Another attempt or possible attempt on the orange man (DJT) at coachella means we need to be praying a hedge of protection around him daily.  We need to bind every demonic, satanic plot, plan, agenda against him.  We need to loose the angels who serve the Lord our God to go forth and form an angelic wall of secret secuity around him that no harm will befall him.  We ask the Lord God Holy Spirit to shelter the orange man in His presence.

Matt 16

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

2.  We need to pray that the satanic power that blinds the masses will be lifted in this season so they can see how abhorrent, and wicked and distasteful and ugly and revolting and hypocritical the evil is that has lied to them and blinded them.

2 Cor 4:4

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

This ^^^ will compound the problems the enemy has by creating a tsunami wave of opposition to everything they do.

We add to this the following:

1 Tim 2

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

This praying here ^^^ is another weapon against the enemy.  Every person whose eyes are opened and turns away from serving the enemy is another problem for them.  Since "they" decided to declare total war on humanity, total war is what they get which means we, by the leading of the Spirit of the Lord are coming for everything now.  The Lord God Almighty is on the offensive now and there will be no place for them to hide by the time this is all done.

3.  We need to begin praying to take all the ground back that has been infiltrated and corrupted by the enemy to include school boards, city, state, local government offices of every kind.  And it goes without saying the corrupt globalist communist satanist deep state needs to be rooted out to the last person.

4.  We pray that communism in all its forms is eradicated from the earth as one of the primary weapons  the enemy uses against humanity on earth.  Communism is satanic at its core.  The Chinese communist party needs to be the first to meet Jesus and His Holy Spirit.  We pray binding, restraint and exposure to all of the communist, satanist plans, plots, doctrines, agendas and narratives that have been employed against humanity across the world.

The Spirit of the Lord has raised up a banner of opposition against the enemy.  It is a battle standard that all believers are being called to rally to.  Everyone who prays and has a mustard seed sized faith needs to pray about all these things in addition to whatever else the Spirit of the Lord has opened your eyes to.  The Lord God does not half do things.  This is going to get done right, and it will be thorough.  The people who attack the orange man day and night are right to be afraid because deep down inside they know its not just the orange man they have a problem with.  They have a problem with Almighty God.  When mankind goes to war with Almighty God, do they not know what the outcome is going to be?

Isaiah 45:9-10

“Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker—

An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth!

Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’

Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’?

"They" decided they want their new world demonic order right now but they do not have either the power or authority to make that decision.  The Lord God alone does.  The fact that the Spirit filled Church of Jesus Christ resides on the earth today means their plans to "force" through that demonic order is doomed to fail.

The fact that they got this far is only because the Church was asleep at the wheel.  That time has ended and the Nicolaitan-conquer-laity system shackles are coming off.  There are no "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  There are mountain movers, there are sicks healers and dead raisers but no "lay people."  Behind the orange man is the Church and behind the Church is the engine driving this train called Almighty God.  Its going to be quite difficult for "them" to outsmart the Most High God when He is looking over their shoulder at every plot, plan, agenda etc and can counter all of it before its even firmed up in their minds.

In the military its called IPB-intelligence preparation of the battlefield.  We are to do something similar but its much more extensive called PPB-prayer preparation of the battlefield.  We are to pray over everything.  Everything that we see, everything we think of, every little corner that darkness can hide in must now be denied and exposed to the cleansing of the light.  We have been given every tool we need to make this happen.  To be honest, with the power and authority we have been given its not really a fair fight and it was never meant to be.  We who believe are members of "THE" Royal Family not just "a" royal family like we see on this earth.

Isa 49

Kings will be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. They will bow down before you with their faces to the ground; they will lick the dust at your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”

The Lord God is not playing ^^^.  This is for real.  It is time for us as children of the Most High God to walk with Him in agreement with Him and each other and watch stuff get done.  It is time.

Glory to God!

grace and peace


Friday, October 11, 2024

The Narcissistic Psychopath October Surprise

 When we see something, we pray something.  Today we have a new target to pray over, "their" "October surprise."  The current california communist candidate (C3) for president is losing badly.  What is the satanist next move? 10 or so days before the election Joey Diapers will step down and C3 will be sworn in as 47.  For the next 10 or so days the media machine will ramp up to 110% wall to wall propaganda telling the public how this is the greatest thing since sliced bread etc in order to boost C3s numbers temporarily with the intent of committing fraud on not just a large scale but an epic, legendary, over the top scale.

"They" plan to steal this one again and their plan to grease the skids for it is the Joey Diapers step down and C3 elevation leading into the epic level fraud.

We need to pray binding, and restraint over all of these plans.  We need to fast and pray for the destruction of their plans.  We need to pray for the dividing of their forces, confusion and division in their ranks.  We need to stand in agreement with each other and the Most High God that none of their plots, plans, narratives, false flags or "decarbonization" attempts succeed.  We need to loose the angels who serve the Lord our God to wage war upon the enemy's spiritual strongholds, every source of supply they use to wage war upon humanity day and night.  We bind all of it, we restrain all of it, we rebuke all of it.

We ask our Lord Father in Jesus Name to stretch out His hand against all of the plots, plans and narratives of the enemy that none of their plans will succeed.  The Spirit of the Lord exposes these things beforehand so that we who pray can move mountains into their path (to block them) while moving mountains out of our way so the path is straight before us.  We who believe can do something about everything.  There are zero "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  We are all mountain movers, water to wine changers, dead raisers, storm stoppers, and multitude feeders.  We can do all things through our Lord Jesus Christ.  It takes only a mustard seed sized faith to do all these things and surely many of us have more faith than a mustard sized seed.

This is total war and it will not stop until the enemies of Christ Jesus are defeated.  The only chance that the satanic psychopaths have is for the Church to be removed from the earth and the Lord God said no to that so its game on!  The Lord God has raised up a battle standard against the enemy.  Everyone who prays must join the fight.  Everyone who believes must engage with every fiber of their being.  This is total war.  "They" already tried to geno(ci)de millions of us with their bio(w)e(@)pon vax.  Now "they" are trying to finish the job with world war, invasion, starvation and every other tool at their disposal.  Our orders from the Most High God are to bind them, resist them, restrain them at every step.  Every plan, plot and narrative is to be opposed.  Not an additional single inch of ground to be ceded without an all out knock down drag out fight.  This is not the fight "they" hoped for but its the fight the Spirit of the Lord has ordered so again, game on.

"They" were mistaken when they assumed the orange man DJT stood on his own.  They did not see the Church behind the orange man and the Lord God Most High in and behind the Church.  So the way the shorthand math works out, "they" are at war with God Almighty.  This servant sees a very dim outlook on their future...

For now, we know what needs to be done.  Their plots, plans and agendas are being exposed and now we need to do prayer preparation of the battlefield.  Our prayers, fasting, binding and loosing, standing in agreement etc will all precede every step they take before they even take it.  Again, they are at war with Almighty God and He is a really good General :).  We know what we need to do, lets get'r done!

Glory to God

grace and peace

Thursday, October 10, 2024

26 Days of Good News

 26 Days of Good News, what is the good news today?  The Spirit of the Lord and the angels of the Lord knocked the stuffing off that storm that struck Florida yesterday.  Yes, there were still casualties and damage but what "they" had planned was so so much worse.  The Spirit of the Lord has raised up a standard against the enemy and is calling all who belong to Him to rally to it.  Not another inch of ground is to be ceded to the enemy while this generation of watchmen is on the wall.

When we see something, pray something.  We can do something about everything.  We can pray, fast and move mountains.  Proof yesterday that we can knock the stuffing out of a storm as well in Christ and through Christ Jesus.  We can bind, restrain and rebuke every attack, every plot, plan, narrative etc of the enemy and those are the order being given by the Spirit of the Lord today.  The call is for all hands on deck.  Every single person who calls themself a believer, every single person who prays to the Most High God must report for

Our order come from the Most High God, so go get yours today.  The enemy wanted a fight but they thought it would be one sided.  To be fair, all this servant saw was people, organizations, pastors and churches rolling over and playing dead.  Thank the Lord God Almighty that He had a different plan in mind.  Now, "its on."  The Lord God has lifted up a battle standard against the enemy.  Everything they do will now be opposed actively.  No more rolling into unopposed territory and taking it without a fight for the enemies of mankind.

We are to pray down every wicked, evil plot, plan, narrative weather weapon, narrative etc.  When we see it, we pray over it.  We also loose the angels of the Most High God to do battle with those who fight against us.  The Spirit of the Lord has opened the armory door and it is loaded.  The Spirit of the Lord is setting captives free of the bonds of Nicolaitanism and the satanic blindness that has afflicted the masses.  In this season we stand in agreement with the Most High God and with each other, under that battle standard that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has raised up against the enemy.

It is time.  It is time to up our game to 100 because you can be sure the Lord our God is ready to rock and roll.  Glory to God.

grace and peace

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Pray Binding and Restraint Over Hurricane Milton

 Please stand in agreement with this servant, with the Most High God and with praying believing people everywhere to bind, restrain, disempower, and dissipate this storm Milton.  We pray according to the Word of God which says:

Matt 16:19

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”


Matt 18:19

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

We bind and rebuke all demonic, satanic power being used against the people of the United States.  We pray binding, rebuke and restraint over every weather weapon, and every other weapon of the enemy being employed against us in Jesus name.  We bind, restrain and rebuke every attempt of the enemy to interfere with the upcoming election.  We bind, restrain and rebuke every plan, plot, narrative, false flag, "decarbonization" attempt and every other attack of the enemy.

We speak dissipation and destruction to Hurricane Milton.  We stand on the Word of God, and we believe we have received what we are asking for according to:

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

We pray a hedge of protection over the state of Florida and the people in Florida.  We loose you angels who serve our Father Yaweh Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and destroy this hurricane Milton, then to go forth and destroy the power behind its generation.  Go forth and wage war against those who war against us.  Fight against those who fight against us.  Destroy all the spiritual strongholds of the enemy, used to wage war against humanity, the body of believers and the state of Florida with this hurricane.  

We thank you Lord God Almighty for your great and precious promises, they are our life.  We thank you for your provision and protection.  We pray, we ask and we receive in Jesus name with great thanks and praise.  AMEN