When Turkey shot down a Russian SU-24 over Syria.
Then U.S. backed rebels proceeded to murder the rescue crew sent out to pick up the pilots.
Lets be very clear about what just happened. The moment Russia announced its intentions of sending aircraft after ISIS and western backed "moderate?" terrorists in Syria, Turkey and by extension NATO and thus the United States had a decision to make. Would they or would they not shoot down the inevitable Russian jets that would be flying around the border of Syria and Turkey? They had weeks to decide what to do and we just witnessed the decision. What was the decision?
NATO members do not act unilaterally to start a war with nuclear powers like Russia. A decision was made, a NATO/U.S. decision was made weeks ago that should this situation occur, war with Russia would be put on the table. The United States, through its NATO proxy member Turkey threw down the gauntlet.
FYI before I write this note, I dislike all politicians equally. The republicans are every bit as crooked and cowardly as the democrats. That said here's a historical note:
Its always the Democrats who do this. Every one of the bloodiest, highest cost of human life wars were started by who? The party of "tolerance" appears to be the most intolerant of all:
WW1-Democrat-Woodrow Wilson
WW2=Democrat-Franklin Roosevelt
Korea-Democrat-Harry Truman
Why not include operations like desert storm in here? Desert storm approximately 500 US soldiers died, Vietnam approximately 66,000 died. The math doesn't lie....
Enough of politics, this historical note was presented to show you its just that time. That time? Yes. Shemitah and Jubilee cycles have been in operation now for how long? What are the chances that the opening shot of a potential world war are fired in a Jubilee year? He is a God of perfect timing.
What were we told would happen?
Rev 6:3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to
take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was
given a large sword.
Every day I see more evidence from my local community to the world stage that peace is being taken (progressively) from this earth.
This should encourage you^^. (say what?) It should encourage you that every Word spoken by our God is true and can be trusted. What did our Lord say?
1 Thess 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May
your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God is the God of peace. Who is it that this world has rejected? Our God, the God of peace. So what do you get when the God of peace is kicked out, rejected, not wanted? You get this:
Rev 6:3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to
take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was
given a large sword.
This world is wicked, and what did our God say about the wicked?
Isaiah 57:21 "There is no peace," says my God, "for the wicked."
The United States, and its president Barack Obama declared war on Russia on Tuesday, November 24 2015 through its NATO proxy Turkey.
Russia has now witnessed (from their perspective):
1. Over 300 of its citizens murdered in cold blood when ISIS (western backed terrorists) blew up a Russian airliner over Egypt.
2. A Russian SU-24 bomber was shot down over Syria, a violation of international law and a declaration of war
3. A Russian rescue crew was murdered by western backed terrorists (i mean "moderate" rebels) (A violation of international law, the Geneva convention) when the rescue helicopter sitting on the ground was blown up with a U.S. supplied TOW missile.
Now, how does Russia respond? The question can be answered best through this:
Rev 6:3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to
take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was
given a large sword.
and this:
Rev 6:7When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named
Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power
over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by
the wild beasts of the earth.
Yea, brother D, they have been saying that for years what makes this time different? One word: Israel. During WW2 when Hitler was running around terrorizing Europe and killing the Jews what did not exist? Israel. What makes this time different? The simple existence of that little sliver of land in the middle east, the apple of our Lord's eye: Israel. That's what makes this time different. And speaking of time, how often do we find ourselves in that one year window of time that only comes around once every 49+1 years and only when Israel is a nation on the face of the earth?
It is happening right now before our eyes. This is it. We do not have to wait for it, it is here. Do not take my word for it, open your eyes what do you see?
grace and peace
Tell The Lord That You Love Him
6 years ago