Sunday, May 19, 2024

Pentecost 2024, Sunday May 19

 Today is 40 days plus 1 from the X over America that was and is a cross-roads for the inhabitants of the earth but specifically for believers.  It was no accident that the second leg of the eclipse crossed multiple instances of the city "Nineveh."  The story of Nineveh with its warning and subsequent repentance are directly applicable to our situation today.  They had 40 days to repent, so did we.  Now we find ourselves in stage 2 of the story which is revival.

What is revival?  What does revive mean?  To revive something means to awaken it from the dead.  Or "again-live" something.  This suggests that what should have been our relationship with the Creator left something wanting.  This first requires we admit we had/have a problem.  Its going to take some humility:

2 Chron 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

While repentance should be ongoing for those who need it, the Lord God does expect progress to the next phase.  Our relationship with the Creator must be re-established as it should be.  This world has a darkness problem and the solution to darkness is light.  The kind of light that drives out spiritual darkness is the Jesus Christ Son of God kind which requires us to align ourselves with His program, His way of doing things, His thoughts etc etc.  We need the Spirit of God filling each and every one of us to the point of overflowing.  This means we must obey, pray, fast and everything and anything else spelled out in the Word of God and impressed upon you by Him.

We can get down on our knees today and thank Him that we have not been hit by a mass solar eruption that turns modern society back into the stone age overnight.  We can also thank Him for the restraint over the enemy's agendas narrative machine and false flag plans because you can be sure the enemy has the worst planned for us which they delight to let us know at every opportunity.

We are today at the feet of the Most High God pleading for favor and mercy to not allow the plethora of threats to our very survival to overwhelm us at any moment.  It is His grace and mercy alone that have kept this world in a vague sense of normalcy through this very day.

The path laid out before us is a path of solutions not problems.  It takes power out of the hands of the enemy and puts it back with the people of God who abdicated their place of authority through apathy and complacency.  The path of solutions is the road of repentance, revival and righteousness.  This is not a new solution but an old one that needs to be reexamined and implemented in its fullness.  

It is time to get right and stay right with the Lord God.  Play time and game time are over.  For those who refuse to get with the program their is another road for them that will be considerably unpleasant.  For those of us who are willing to listen and obey we are being called upward in all things.  Standards are being raised.  Our relationship with Him needs to be raised.  Our use of the God given talents skills and abilities needs to be raised.  Again, the time for apathy and complacency is over.  Now either we up our game across the board or we get left behind.  The choice is ours.

This is supposed to be a message of encouragement not a beat down.  However the situation in the world that has been allowed to approach the brink of the abyss demands action and immediate attention.  This is where we find ourselves today.  The Lord our God is very good and He loves us dearly.

Glory to God

grace and peace