There will be a blood moon on Purim this year 3/14/25. There are also whispers of a possible Israeli attack on Iran around the same timeframe. There is also another blood moon on Purim next year (as if Someone is trying to get our attention...). We have known for some time that the establishment has a preplanned attack on Iran coming, the only question is when. Then we have all the other pieces and players situated on the earth, ready or readying for the time of Jacob's trouble.
Oh yes, and "doomsday fish" have been coming ashore recently all over the world. Another sign.
Could the Lord come back on or around Purim 2025? Sure He could, but we do not know for sure. He never told us to become experts at predicting when He would return. He did tell us to always be watching and ready. So, we will be watching, and Lord willing we will be ready. This world is running out of time so the time for us to do whatever it is we want to do for the Lord is today. Apart from doing stuff for God, we need to know Him and He needs to know us. That means one on one time spent with Him. There is nothing in your life that is more important.
Glory to God
grace and peace