Monday, February 26, 2024

The X Over America

 We are 6 or so weeks away from the X eclipse over America:

This eclipse and the totality of eclipses (the X) has received a fair amount of attention but what are people doing about it?  Most are writing it off as just another spectacle that has nothing to do with their life therefore they don't care.  Some are taking it for what it is:  a warning.  The first leg of the eclipse took place over a number of American cities with the name Salem (a reference to Jerusalem).  This second half of the X eclipse takes place over many cities named Ninevah.

What happened in Ninevah?  It was a rotten corrupt place (sound familiar) that the Lord was going to declare judgement on , then destroy but when the citizens were warned they actually took it seriously and repented and the Lord withheld judgement and destruction.  There is speculation that Ninevah had its own eclipse warning called Bur-Sagale.  

Its not just the eclipse we should be considering but also the nature of Almighty God.  Look around, are things getting more good or more evil by the day?  The evil continue to press their agenda on every front imaginable with no mass repentance in sight.  If mankind is not going to stop it, the Lord God will most definitely step in and stop it.  Some would ask "when exactly is this going to happen, this "God stopping it" event?"  Gosh, who knows but perhaps not too long after we are warned?

The nature of God is its own warning, act up and expect judgement.  The signs in the heavens are a warning.  The nature of evil going from bad to worse is its own warning.  The Spirit who lives within us is a warning.  The words you are reading on this blog and from others, are all warnings.  Judgment is coming if repentance does not show up soon.

The fact that the US has been invaded by multiple different foreign armies who are could attack on any given day is a warning.  Our treasury being looted is a warning.  If you look at the point on the map where the two legs of the X intersect its smack dab over the new madrid fault line.  If that one erupted it could cut the country in half in one day.  Add to that the solar flares that could shut down all comms and electronics in one day.  Add to that the foreign enemies within waiting for their chance to act.  Add to that the lack of resilience in all our systems (electrical grid, food supply, physical infrastructure etc).  Our day to day "business as usual" lives are hanging by the thinnest of threads.

What do we do about all this?  Repentance starts with us.  Each one of us must act as if our own actions were the solution to all these problems.  We repent, we bow the knee, we obey, we pray, we fast, we seek the Lord's will for our lives.  We pray for ourselves our families, all the brothers and sisters and all men everywhere.  We get ourselves to do the right thing first.  Thats the solution at least as far as we as individuals are concerned.  Then we can communicate within our circle of influence and perhaps they will do the right things as well.  

If enough of us take this seriously and do what is right in the eyes of God perhaps judgement can be averted.  Time will tell, and we dont have long to wait to see the verdict.  In the meantime we continue to watch for the unexpected return of our Lord Jesus Christ which is a.  what He told us to do, and b. has us ready for whatever shows up in the world next.  People who refuse to live as though the Lord could show up any day are shortsighted and blind as any given time on any day any of us could be standing before Him, He never promised any of us we would see tomorrow... 

We have six weeks, 42 days to pray that we can change the Lord's mind or at a minimum get ourselves our of harms way (by being centered in our Lord's will).  Then the chips will fall where they fall.

The Lord our God is very good.

Glory to God

grace and peace