Sunday, June 23, 2024

Running The Race


1 Cor 9:24

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

What is the Spirit saying to this writer today?  This ^^^ and by extension everything else that has been written about here over the past few years.  The first big turn on to the home run stretch came around the time of the plan-demic.  What did the Lord counsel then?  Put to use your talents, skills and abilities for the Kingdom (Matt 25).  Now that we have entered that home run stretch fully, we still embrace the use of our talents skills and abilities while at the same time shifting 99.9% of our focus onto the solution to this world's problems.  That solution is Jesus Christ and His Spirit.

The Lord God intends for us to finish the race strong.  That means raising standards across the board in our life.  It means pursuing the very best version of ourselves so we can do our best work while we are here on earth.  In order to do our best we must be our best.  We need to keep our eyes on the solution.  The enemy has thrown everything and the kitchen sink at humanity in an attempt to jump start their demonic world order, however "they" have not been given the power to open the seals of Revelation or to unleash their man of sin superman whenever they want to.

There is a Restrainer on this earth composed of the Spirit of the Lord working through and with His Church.  We are the light of the world and light casts out darkness 100% of the time.  We are the salt of the world which prevents/retards decay.  So, while the demonic opposition tries everything to implement their "final solution" for humanity, we are here to oppose that.  Not only do we oppose what the enemy is trying to do, we are actively working to move forward our Lord's agenda.

We have alot of work to do and it all starts with us getting down on our knees in prayer.  We must have more of the solution which means more Jesus Christ, which means more of the Spirit to drive out the darkness that wages war on humanity day and night.  And, in a far cry from the nicolaitan demonic system that teaches believers that they are "lay people" we are called to move mountains, raise the dead, change water into wine and much much more per the Word of the Lord here:

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

This ^^^ is great news because it means the solution to this worlds problems does not start and end with this worlds corrupt politicians or their narcissistic psychopath demonic supporters of all shapes and sizes.  No, the solution starts with you and me.  We turn the lights back on, one believer at a time.  We drive the darkness out one believer at a time.  This also has nothing to do whatsoever with the corrupt clerical class pastors and priests who have sold humanity down the river to the highest bidder.  They are part of the problem but they can be bypassed just like the corrupt politicians.  We do not depend on them for anything.

We set our sights on the author and finisher of our salvation: the Lord Jesus Christ and His Spirit.  We keep our eyes on Him, we listen carefully for His Words.  We search the Book of answers (the Bible) for the promises that are our life and the answer to all of our problems.  We find the promises then we pray those promises back to Him who sent them.  Then we stand on those promises until we see them worked out in our sight here on this earth.

The Lord God has provided an answer to the royal mess we see around us here on earth.  The Spirit of the Lord has impressed upon the servant who writes to you today that this is the path forward, regardless of what happens next.  The Lord would have us repent, revive and stand in righteousness right now so He does not have to destroy the land.  Are we going to listen this time?  At least one person plans to do what they have been told to do.  This nobody prays and pleads with you to get down on your knees, seek the Lord's face and do what He tells you to do as well.

More great news is that not only does the solution to this world's problems exist within you and me, it also does not take many of us to implement that solution.  A little bit of light drives out a lot of darkness.  Again here:

Matt 17:20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Do you have to be some kind of spiritual giant to do your job for the Kingdom?  No, the solution starts with faith even as small as a mustard seed.  Surely, you and I can find within ourselves greater faith than that.  And if we can find more faith than faith the size of a mustard seed, what can we do with it?  How much darkness can be driven out with it?  How much light can be reintroduced to this world with it?  You get the idea...

The solution to this world's problems stares back at us in the mirror every day.

1 John 4:4

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

We've got this.  We were put here on this earth for this.  Its time to do our job as believers and believe.  Glory to God

grace and peace