Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We haven't even reached Aug 15th yet and its already starting, can you see it?

I have a couple bullet point thoughts from the Lord I need to share with you. I guess you could categorize this as stuff we should be doing, or how we should be thinking. People like to ask "what can I do about the things going on today?" Here's a partial answer:

When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here is
a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false."

We can strive to be like Nathanael. One of our personal goals in this life is to live a life such that when the Lord looks at us He says "Here is a true Christian, in whom there is nothing false."

2. We can set a second goal to be like Noah and Enoch. These are men who walked with God:

Genesis 6:9

This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people
of his time, and he walked with God.

Genesis 5:24

Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.

Note with me that both Noah and Enoch were rapture types AND they both "walked with God." Think theres something there for us? You bet there is. Enoch was literally raptured out. Noah was raptured in type, he was saved by lifting him up high above the earth...above the tribulation and judgement of his day. Enough there, you see the point.

3. His praise on our lips. The Lord recently re-impressed upon this writer the commandment to praise Him. If we don't do it, the rocks will but our Lord will be praised. If there is one thing this writer could ask you to do to radically change your world around and align you powerfully with the Lord, it would be to praise the Lord out loud, with your lips. Do your research in the bible. What does the Lord say about praise? Psalm 34 starts with "I will praise the Lord." What is David saying? He is saying that regardless how he feels, regardless of how the world looks, regardless of his situation, he WILL praise the Lord. Its a decision David made and its a decision we must make as well. We were not asked to praise the Lord, we were commanded to do it. We were, in fact, created for this very purpose, to praise the Lord.

We live in very distressing times. I see people literally in the process of losing their minds around me every day now. Its a gradual process but it is happening. While the world is in the process of losing their minds and descending into the abyss, we should be praising. We should also be praying for all men, that they all may be saved. The Bible tells us that all men wont make it in, but we should pray for all men anyway, especially for all those in positions of power and authority:

1 Timothy 2:1

... I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.

1 Timothy 2:2

... Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live
peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

That's it. Quick recap here of what I hear the Lord instructing me to do, I'm sharing it with you:

My top goals in life should be: To walk with God and to be a true Christian in whom nothing is false. To praise the Lord always and to pray for all men.

We have no idea how short time really is. If indeed the Lord has directed this writers attention to what is happening in the heavens (3 comets, an asteroid and much more inbound to earth), then perhaps time is very short. How should we be living if time is very short? What should we be doing? What should our goals be with the time that is left? Some of these things have been answered for us today.

Comet Honda arrives at earth perigee on Aug 15th. If you have been paying attention you can see that things are anything but normal here on planet earth today. Things are spiraling out of control. Should we fear? No, no and no. We are not of this world, we do not belong to this world. We are aliens and strangers here. We have a kingdom and a Bridegroom waiting in heaven for us. Our Bridegroom has prepared a place for us to come and live with the Father.

Be watching, be ready, keep the faith. Praise, pray, worship..offer the sacrifice of praise from your lips to our faithful Creator who is forever praised. Be a person who walks with God. Be a person in whom nothing is false. Our Lord is coming back for a spotless Bride. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a thief and a liar. Not because this writer said it because my words are less than worthless, but because our Lord said it.

Gotta go, grace and peace