Monday, August 12, 2013

3 M6+ Quakes And Another Large Sinkhole

M6.1 Northern Peru

M6.1 Kermadec Islands Region

M6.1 Indonesia

Another Large Florida Sinkhole

Everyday, without fail sinkholes are opening up in various places around the world.  We just had 3 large earthquakes in very different places around the world.  Are these things normal? NO.  Daily sinkholes are not something this writer has ever seen , until now.

Why are these things happening?  Rev 6: great earthquakes, sun turns black, moon turns to blood, pole-shift.  People dont like to hear it but I did not write Revelation 6.  I am connecting the dots from where we stand today to what the Lord said would happen.

Be ready, keep the faith.

grace and peace