Friday, December 27, 2024

Hanukkah Rapture Watch Day 3

 Today we watch and pray in accordance with the Word of the Lord God:

Mark 13

No One Knows the Day or Hour

32“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!”

In order for the Lord to repeat Himself that many times in so small a space, it must have been fairly important.  We take this kind of thing seriously so yes, we are in a state of readiness and watchfulness every day but there are certain windows of time where we "up our game."  This Hanukkah 2024 window is one such window.  If there is even a sliver of an increased chance the Lord may come back for us over this season, we would be wise to increase our watchfulness and readiness.

The military uses exercises as a routine way to keep troops in a trained and ready state.  The Lord God also does this with a series of feast days that are to be observed by the Jewish people for the same reason.  We use the same reasoning to watch and be ready now.

A prayer:

Lord God Almighty, we believe You when You said You are coming back at an unknown day and hour.  So today, we pray a prayer of watchfulness and readiness.  We are watching in prayer and we pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters that we will be found watching and ready on the day You come down to the clouds to call us up.


There are many reasons to be watching and ready to leave this world today, first of which is obedience.  The Lord clearly told us to always be watching and ready for His unexpected return.  Then there are the signs and signals all around us.  This servant sees the world around us ready to begin the time of Jacob's trouble at a moments notice.  It has been said here all year this could go either way at a moments notice.  So we have to be ready to go and ready to stay.  We can do this and we have been doing this all year.

We are in phase 2 of the program this servant believes the Lord God outlined for this world.  Phase 3 begins on 1/20/24.  The Lord never told us we have to be great at prediction but He did tell us to be watching and ready on the day He shows up for us.  What if that day is today or tomorrow or the next day?  We do not have to wait long to find out which way this goes so lets see what happens.  If the Lord should tarry we have alot of work to do 2025-2028.  It is this servant's understanding that if we remain on the earth we are to be praying in the light and praying out the darkness on a daily basis.  We are to pray out, bind, restrain and rebuke the demonic infestation from this nation and then the world.  2025-2028 includes over one thousand days which means over one thousand opportunities to pray for the end of voter fraud, vote rigging, election stealing in America and the world.  It is over one thousand prayers for the end of wickedness on our school boards, schools, colleges, universities, city councils, city and state governments, the entertainment industry, and the federal government.  We want it all back.  We want the wicked, demonic, far left, globalist, narcissist psychopath satanists out of every square inch of our public life and that will start with getting them out of our private lives first.

While we are praying over battlefield earth to run the darkness out we will be praying at the same time to bind, rebuke and restrain the satanic blindness over the people so they may see how awful, hypocritical and ugly the evil is-turn and be saved.  We will be praying for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.  

It is this servant's understanding that if the Lord decides to tarry, that ^^^ is the guidance forward.  We are to relentlessly, with great patience and perseverance, pray our Father's will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.  As long as we the Church are here on earth that means driving the gates of hell back.  It means turning the lights back on down here.  It means cleaning house of the demonic infestation that has been left undisturbed for way too long.  This is the will of the Most High God as this servant understands it today (that is-IF-He does not pull us out of here over Hanukkah).

If we remain on the earth in 2025, it will be similar to a military campaign, a grind.  It will be a day in and day out praying in the promises and prayers over the battlefield in order to drive the darkness out.  Simultaneously we will be praying in a great harvest of souls.  We will be praying in repentance, revival and righteousness.


Lets see what happens between now and 1/2/25.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May His Face shine upon you and grant you peace.

Glory to God

grace and peace