Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hanukkah Rapture Watch Day 5


1 Thess 4

15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [d]asleep. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Today we press forward in obedience to the Word of God to always be watching and ready for His unexpected return.  As things have it this season of Hanukkah 2024 presents an increased opportunity for the Lord to show up unexpectedly to this world, so we are increasing our watching and readiness accordingly.

A prayer:

Lord, we stand together today in agreement as we ask for eyes that see and ears that hear.  We stand in agreement in watching and prayer for Your unexpected return to the clouds to receive Your Church.  We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ that we will all be found watching and ready on the day You return for us.  As an act of our will today we reject this world and everything it has to offer.  Instead, we choose You Lord Holy Spirit to be our treasure here on earth and our treasure in Heaven.  Fill us up to overflowing again today.  Keep our lamps burning bright, top us off with oil.  We yield ourselves to You today that You may use us to speak through us, act through us, influence through us, shine light and life through us into this world.  We offer ourselves as living sacrifices today, we place ourselves on the alter to be holy and pleasing in Your sight.

We believe we have received what we ask You for in prayer today and we glorify You for it.   Thank You Lord, in Jesus Name we pray-Amen!

2 Thess 3:13

But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.

John 17:4

I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.


Today we remain watchful in prayer in order to be ready should He unexpectedly return for us.  While we do that we also keep an eye on the work we have to do on the earth should He tarry.  It is this servant's understanding that the enemy plans to do their worst over the course of the next 4 years and beyond.  They have a problem though if the Church remains on the earth because the Lord has plans as well.  If we remain on the earth in 2025 we are to pray over the entirety of the battlefield to take back everything that has been lost to enemy action.  We want our school boards, school, colleges and universities back.  We want the wicked evil demonic perverts out.  We want our court rooms, city councils, city and state governments back.  We want the deep state ripped out by the roots, completely stripped of their wealth and power so they can do no more evil.  We want an end to voter fraud, election theft, vote rigging, ballot stuffing and all the other election related evil the enemy has been able to get away with in the past. We want Communism to be erased from the face of the earth as an evil anti-Christian, anti-human ideology.

The reduction and disempowerment of evil in the land is one side of the coin.  At the same time that is taking place we are to be advancing the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven by binding, restraining, rebuking the satanic blindness that is over the people so they can see just how ugly and horrific the evil is, turn and be saved.  We pray for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.  We pray that the Lord God pours out His Spirit from east to west and north to south over our land-a Spirit of repentance, revival and righteousness.  The cure to a darkness problem is the introduction of more light.  We have been given every tool we need to bring about the Lord's will on earth.  Should the Church remain, we are to employ those tools in the fullest way possible to bring about the desired results.

As you can see from the outline above there is alot of work to be done.  We have alot to pray for, alot of binding, loosing and standing in agreement to be done.  Hopefully readers can understand that voting the orange man in just scratched the surface of what needs to be done to turn battlefield earth around.  Voting in the orange man was a 1% solution to this world's problem.  99% of the problem lies ahead of us to be solved.  With the Lord, this absolutely can and will be done but He is expecting us to walk in lockstep with Him through the entire journey.  No more "playing church," no more Nicolaitan "lay person" shackles on believers, no more apathy, no more complacency, no more waiting for someone else to get their work done before we get ours done.  Each one of us is a light that must be turned back on and burn at 100% max brightness in the days, weeks and months ahead.  Each one of us can and will be out in the world moving mountains as the Word of God said we would.  Each and every one of us will be doing greater things than the Lord Jesus Christ did in this world according to His Will and His Word:

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

This will be a sea change from where this world has been in the recent past.  The enemy decided it was a great idea to launch total war on humanity (including the Church).  Now "they" will be reaping what they have sown to that war.

Ps 60:4

You have given a banner to those who fear You, That it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah

The Lord God has raised up a banner against the enemy.  It is this servant's understanding that the enemy is going to be on the receiving end of all the evil they have sown, pressed down, shaken and spilling over into their lap and it won't be fun for them at all....

Regardless of which way the next few days go our path forward is in Christ and with Christ.

Glory to God

grace and peace