Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas/Hanukkah Watch Day 1

 This year of our Lord 2024 we are watching and practicing readiness for the unexpected arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ as we were instructed.

Luke 21:

36Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [i]be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

1 Peter 4

7But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers

We are to be watching and praying always for the escape from all that is about to happen.  Always means every day.  If we are always watching and ready-we cannot miss it.  Its a perfect plan, if we just do what we were told to do we cannot mess it up.  We practice seasons of increased watchfulness and readiness because we take the Lord seriously.  We believe He meant what He said and will do what He said.  In the military they hold readiness drills.  We too are soldiers of Christ so we too can and do practice readiness.

Practicing readiness honors the Word and the One who gave us His Word.  Today we practice watchfulness and readiness to meet the Lord in the clouds when He comes back to take His Bride, the Church out of this earth.  He told us numerous times to be watching and ready for His unexpected return, so today we are doing just that.

Let us pray together:

Lord if you are coming back today we turn our back on this world and embrace You.  We want to be with You where You are.  We pray for ourselves, and our families that our sins are forgiven and we may be counted worthy to escape all that is about to happen and stand before You.  Today we are watching for Your unexpected return.  We pray that we are found ready and worthy to meet you in the clouds should You come back for us today, or any other day.  We honor You today.  We honor Your Word today.  We believe You will do exactly precisely what You said You would do so we watch in expectation for Your arrival.

Lord Father, thank you for sending our Lord Jesus Christ down here to earth to die for our sins.  We glorify You, we honor You, we worship You down on our knees.  If You are sending our Lord Jesus Christ for us over this Christmas/Hanukkah season, we pray that we will be found worthy to escape all that is about to happen and be with You in Heaven.

We thank You Lord for Your great goodness to us who believe.  We receive now what we are asking for in prayer and we glorify You for it in Jesus Name.  Amen


This servant wishes you and your family the best Christmas ever.  While we give thanks to our Lord for all He has done for us, lets keep our eyes on the sky for His possible return today through 1/2/25.  What a great Christmas present it would be to inherit the Kingdom prepared for us over this Christmas season.  It's possible so be watching and be ready.

We are dearly loved children.

Glory to God

grace and peace