1. Somehow this guy knows (hes a prophet?) of a list of scamdemics headed our way conveniently the day after the orange man takes office!
We stand in agreement with each other and with the Most High God to request the exposure and destruction of every enemy plan to conduct false flag bio attacks against the American people or anywhere around the world. We bind, rebuke, and restrain every plot, plan, agenda and narrative that supports these plans, agendas and plots against humanity. We loose the angels who serve the Most High God to go forth and wage war upon our enemies who daily wage war upon us. We loose you to fight against those who fight against us. We loose you to destroy every plot, plan and agenda linked to, related to bio att@cks against humanity.
Son of sat@n bill g@tes has also been quite "prophetic" in his warnings of all the stuff "they" plan to let loose on humanity. Billy says the next one wont be such a scam because it really will decarbonize millions. Thanks for the warning bill, we have added you and your conspirators to our list!
2. Decarbonization of the orange man. The satanic establishment has been engaged in a war on carbon. Conveniently we humans live in carbon based wetsuits which is "their" little snicker and grin way of them telling us they are at war with us. But we digress, to "decarbonize" someone who lives in a carbon based wetsuit is to remove life from it. They already tried 2-3 times that we know of. We have to assume they will try again.
3. The gunpowder plot of 1605 updated for today against government building(s).
4. "They" have been trying to start WW3 for years now. After the election they even escalated provocation in an effort to decarbonize all of us.
5. False Flag mushroom clouds over one of our cities and blame it on the country whose symbol is a bear or Ir@n.
6. 5th column troops/organizations activated against the American people. Think @ntif@, burning cities, causing mayhem etc.
7. Remember "they" used a scamdemic the last time to justify stealing an election by millions of votes. We need to pray that the Lord God will intervene to put an end to voter fraud across our nation and across the world. We can build F-35 fighter jets and put a man on the moon but we cant figure out how to implement a fraud proof or at a mimum fraud resistant election system? They can but they refuse, now we elevate our complaint and request to the Most High God who hates unjust weights and balances.
8. Provocation to attack Iran-bad guys already trained and deployed 1,000 to America and 1,000 to Europe with a nexus to who else? Ir@n and for good measure Russi@.
9. We take authority of the enemy's use of weather and space based we@pons against our land and the American people in Jesus Name. "They" burned down Maui and now they are razing California. The big problem with the weapons being used is plausible deniability. They are going to say "prove it." The proof is melted car engine blocks, molten metal in general, then there is the hiding of flight records around the time of the fires in Maui and the list of evidence gets alot longer but "they" control the censorship complex and "they" have an army of cyber warriors to bury the evidence/proof trail so once again we appeal our case to the Kingdom of Heaven and a Judge who cannot be threatened or bribed. We command the enemy use of weather we@pons, space based we@pons, directed energy we@pons and any other we@pon being used in these fires across our land to cease and desist in Jesus Name according to the authority given to us by the Word and Will of God in Luke 10:19.
Pr 20
23Diverse weights are an abomination to the Lord,
And dishonest scales are not good.
We ask the Lord God Almighty to stretch out His hand of judgement against all the wicked plans of the enemy to include exposing and destroying every false flag plot listed above. We bind, rebuke, restrain every plot, plan, agenda of the enemy to include but not limited to all of the items listed above. We loose the angels of the Most High God to go forth and prevent every plot, plan and agenda listed above.
We ask you Lord God Almighty to repay the enemy for all of the evil wickedness they have done and plan to do. In Jesus Name we ask it -AMEN
Matt 16
18And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not [g]prevail against it. 19And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth [h]will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
We must engage the enemy every single day just as they attack humanity and the Church every single day. They give us no rest, so we give them no rest. They are relentless so we double and triple down on what it means to be relentless and finish a fight.
It is this servants understanding that the Lord God means to rout and plunder the enemy. We are to walk with Him in this effort hand in hand. This will require daily effort, discipline, patience and persistence.
Glory to God
grace and peace