Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Left Calling For Violence Again, and Mobilizing

 We are barely two months into Trump 2.0 and the left is calling for violence and beginning their mobilization campaign.  As you can see from the video, they openly embrace communism and socialism.  Both are anti-Christian, anti-human ideologies from the pit of hell.  U.S.S.R-union of soviet socialist republics.  The NAZIS were/are national socialists.  The left that we just lived under for 4 years under the tyrannical and oppressive Biden Harris regime, were in the process of taking the gloves off against the American people when they were stopped.  Next time, if there ever is a next time on our watch we would not be so lucky.  The left is a death cult.  They want to steal, kill and destroy just like their father.

We better wake up and do it now.  The enemy is busy formulating how to finish America and all who want to see it at peace and prosperous.  This country and its people require daily prayer to keep the demonic communist socialist extreme leftist satanist globalists at bay.  There is a day coming when "they" will get their demonic world order but that day is not today.  We who believe and shine light and life of God Almighty into this world are to restrain the rot, decay and darkness and today that is an all hands on deck, daily job.  

"They" are not going to rest and neither will we.  The Lord has given us a toolbox full of every tool we need to keep that serpent in its bottle until we leave this place but tools do not wield themselves.  We must open the tool box take out the tool and do the work.  The apathy and complacency in the Church must end.  The religious games called manmade "church" in this world where people do their time in their religious social club while the world burns down around them, must end.  The demonic oppression of Nicolaitan "lay man" churchianity must end.

We have been called to rise up and bring our best to this fight.  Those who choose to sit this one out on the sidelines might as well hand in their uniform and helmet and let someone else get in the game in their place.  When they are needed most, they bow out.  It is shameful and cowardly:

Rev 21:8

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

You read it correctly up there ^^^, cowards have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven.  The orange man cannot do this by himself.  The orange man plus elon plus the other rich men and all of orange man's administration cannot do this by themselves.  They did not put themselves there, the people did with the prayer support and covering of the Church.  The Church must finish what it has started.  Revival isnt going to start itself.  Repentance isnt going to start itself.  Righteousness isnt going to start itself and all three are needed right now in this nation and across the world.

PS 50

1The Mighty One, God the Lord,
Has spoken and called the earth
From the rising of the sun to its going down.
2Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God will shine forth.
3Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent;
A fire shall devour before Him,
And it shall be very tempestuous all around Him.

The repentance, revival and righteousness that is needed will sweep this nation and the world like a fire-caveat............with our participation.  

We do not have forever to get this done.  The clock is ticking.  The Church does not have time for religious games between 4 walls any more.  There is a world burning down around us that the Lord God wants to save.  The day to get this done is today, nobody guaranteed any of us tomorrow.

We are the lamps and lights of Almighty God in this earth.  We are the lamp on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Matt 5:14

14“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

This means ^^^ we are going to have to get out of our comfort zone sometimes.  This means we are not going to be able to hide out at our religious themed country club and declare "mission accomplished" to Almighty God.  The Lord God has empowered each and every one of us with specific talents, skills and abilities to work for the Kingdom of Heaven throughout this earth.  The time to put our work boots on in now.

Glory to God

grace and peace

Phase 3 Prayer Over The Nation and the World-Day 61

 Today we continue to look at the time frame between the two Purim blood moons 2025/2026.  What do we see in this nexus?

1.  Blood moons are a warning for Israel.  Warning of what?  Israel is in the midst of nonstop combat operations with Hezbollah and Hamas right now, the ceasefire exists no longer.  Hezbollah and Hamas are proxies for Iran.

2.  Iran is the target in the middle east and the entire world knows it.  This was telegraphed by the orange man administration before the election took place.

3.  What is associated with an attack on Iran?  1. is attempts on the orange man that will be blamed on Ir@n whether it was them or not (likely not).  2. F@lse Fl@gs on our nation and people in order to justify w@r with Ir@n.

4.  The rapture/harpazo of the Church is associated with Purim, as is the entire end time story.

5.  Time is a limited resource.  We, the Church, this world do not have unlimited time on the earth.  We must use our time wisely.

This servant has been given a vision of sorts of the future that is mapped out in the list of prayers at the end of every phase 3 post.  It is both a vision and a mission.  This servant believes we could be around long enough on this earth to check off each item from the prayer list as mission accomplished however we do not have to be here for the Lord to accomplish His purpose on the earth.  He has multiple ways to get things done.  One of those ways is to give the mission and associated power and provision to someone else who is willing to do what they are told to do.  Those who resist, or want to kick their feet up on the desk in apathy and complacency will be sidelined.  Those of us who want to play in the game need to put our helmet on and be ready when the Coach calls our number.  For most of us, our number has already been called and we are supposed to be out on the field, ready to play.

We must also remember more work requires more fuel.  As the battles heat up, we will need to pause more often to rearm, and refuel to get back to the fight.  The key to this is patience and persistence.  We must be relentless.  Regardless of how we feel, we continue to press forward.  Regardless of the circumstances, we press forward.  The mission and vision come first.  Why?  The mission and vision come from the Lord God and we pray every day His Kingdom come, His Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.  And there is alot of mismatch between what this servant sees on the earth and what exists in Heaven which means we have alot of work to do.

The Lord is actively working in the earth today.  Those who have ears to hear are busy working with Him to do His Will on the earth.  All the rest, (the many) are being sidelined or worse.  This servant prays and believes with you that you are one of the few who hear the Voice of the Lord and seek His Face.

Keep the faith, continue pressing forward.

Please join with this servant in praying in the Kingdom of God on earth just as it is in Heaven.

Matt 6

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation, 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Rev 3:10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation.

The Lord's prayer is the perfect prayer, praying in the Lord's Will and praying us out of the tribulation/trial/temptation/experiment.

We pray Lord,

Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

We pray that we will not be led into the tribulation, the trial, time of Jacob's trouble and testing.

We pray that You will end the violence, the tyranny and oppression of the leftists who war against us.  May their violence and calls for violence be returned into their own laps.  May they reap what they have sown.

We pray that whoever is attacking Tesla dealerships will be exposed and punished.

We pray for the protection of the Christians in Syria.  We pray they will be delivered from the evil persecution, tyranny and oppression they are under today.  We pray that those who persecute our Christian brothers and sisters will themselves be overthrown by the Hand of Almighty God.

We pray that You will rout and plunder the enemy as they have routed and plundered Your people.  We pray for the complete dismantling of all the fraud, oppression, suppression, theft etc of the old world order while we pray restraint, and binding of the new world order.  We pray for the Divine World Order on earth ruled by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray that You will save us from the enemy's bio terror @tt@cks, their mRNA we@pons of w@r, "operation stargate" and their AI false gods.

We pray that you will place thorns and thistles in their path, delay and destroy all of the efforts being made to construct the new demonic world order.

We pray for your protection over every civilian aircraft in the air and on the ground today and in the days to come.  We pray for the safety of every passenger and every air crew on every plane flying civilian missions over the world.  Please protect our aircraft, protect every flight from enemy attacks/enemy sabotage.  (our prayers are working.)

Today we bind, rebuke, and restrain every enemy plot, plan, and agenda to commit cyber @tt@cks against our nation and people.

We pray for peace and prosperity to increase across our land and the world.  We pray for a hope and a future according to Your Word.

We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ, a watching prayer that we will be found watching and ready on the day You arrive unexpectedly for us.

We pray today a hedge of protection over our electrical grid, our water supply, our food supply (esp. the chickens, the eggs, the cattle), all our critical infrastructure and everything else we need to live a quiet, peaceful life in all godliness and holiness. 

We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and form a protective wall around all of the resources, services and anything else we need to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness.  We loose you angels to go forth and wage war upon the enemy’s spiritual strongholds, supply, support, finances, their narratives/media/communications, and every other resource the enemy uses to wage war upon humanity and the Church.

We bind, rebuke, restrain every plot, plan, agenda, false flag, terrorist attack, space we@pon, directed energy we@pon, weather we@pon, chemtrails, narratives and other enemy activity used to harm/damage/destroy or otherwise adversely affect this nation and its people.  We bind, rebuke, restrain every attack listed on the false flag list (pinned articles of interest-right side of blog). We pray for peace on earth.  No more wars.  We pray for an end to the war in Ukraine, an end to the war in the Middle East and a full stop prevention of the f@lse fl@gs they have planned to justify w@r against Ir@n.

We ask the Lord our God to stretch out His Hand against all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We pray that every false flag (or otherwise) plot plan and agenda of the enemy will be exposed and destroyed.

We pray for an end to the World Economic Forum and all of their plots, plans, and agendas that have been weaponized against humanity.  May all those who plot, plan, and scheme against humanity day and night have all their wealth and power stripped from them so they can do no more evil.

We pray today that we will be found in the very center of our Father's Will for us both today and in the days to come.   

We pray for an end to Communism, an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology from the pit of hell.  We pray that the scourge of Communism be removed from the face of the earth never to return.  We pray for the freedom of the gospel to flow through China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and any other communist countries not listed here.  We pray that their people will be set free from tyranny and oppression.

Lord, we pray for our enemies today according to Your Word and Will.  We ask that You will save every one of their souls.  We ask You to turn them from their wicked ways and lead them to make peace with us (Your Church) and You, their Creator. 

We pray for an end to voter fraud of every kind.  We pray for an end to electronic voting machines, election stealingvote rigging and endless criminal days of introducing fraudulent votes in our nation.  We pray for same day voting and vote counting.  

We pray for wickedness and evil to be exposed, judged and removed from:

School boards


City councils

City governments

County governments

State governments

Court rooms/(activist, globalist, enemy of humanity, bought and paid for, compromised. leftist judges must be removed)

Colleges and universities

The entertainment industry

The media

The pulpits

The corporate world (big business colluding with evil)

The Federal Government-we pray the deep state will be completely uprooted and destroyed

Every public institution from high to low across the land

We pray for the end of tyranny and oppression in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the Islands like a fire.  We believers in America stand in agreement with believers across the world for an end to the tyranny, oppression and wickedness and a return to repentance, revival and righteousness. 

We pray for an end to the leftist, communist, totalitarian governments of Europe.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to sweep Europe like a fire.

We pray for lower electricity, gas, food, and rent prices.  We pray for a financial/economic miracle for our nation to dig us out of the hole left for us by the demonic globalists.  We pray for our Lord's Blessing, peace and prosperity over our nation.

We bind, rebuke, restrain the satanic blindness that is over the people across the world so they can see how wicked, terrible, ugly and hypocritical the evil is, turn and be saved.

We pray for the fire of repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the entire Middle East.

We pray for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.

We pray that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 

We pray for the protection of Donald J Trump, his family, Elon Musk, JD Vance and everyone else in his administration.  We pray that he will be given wisdom, insight and knowledge to rebuild/restore this nation and to destroy all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to form an angelic secret service detail around DJT and his family for their protection.  We bind, rebuke and restrain any/all demonic, satanic or any other attack against DJT, his family and his administration.  We pray a special hedge of protection over Elon Musk and DOGE as they deconstruct the deep state.

We pray that you Lord will give us all of the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy for the edification and encouragement of Your Church.

We stand in the gap for the land today that You Lord will not destroy it nor allow the enemy to destroy it but instead we pray You pour out Your Holy Spirit from east to west and north to south.  A Spirit of repentance, revival and righteousness to drive the darkness out and turn the lights back on in the earth.

We believe we receive everything we have prayed for now in Jesus Name standing in agreement with You Lord God Almighty and each other.  We believe we have received what we asked for in prayer right now in Jesus Name.  We give thanks for all of it.  We rejoice over the hope and the future You have provided for us Lord.  

We believe today, that You have saved the best for last.  Our best days and our greatest victories are still ahead of us.  Today we will trust You.  Today we will rejoice.  Today we will give thanks.  Today we pray and we watch in expectation for Your answers to all we have asked for.


Glory to God

grace and peace

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Phase 3 Prayer Over The Nation and the World-Day 60

 Php 3

Not that I have already attained,[c] or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13Brethren, I do not count myself to have [d]apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

15Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you. 16Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already [e]attained, let us walk by the same [f]rule, let us be of the same mind.

Our Citizenship in Heaven

17Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. 18For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. 20For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.

Where are we at in time today?  We are between two Purim blood moons (2025/2026).  What do we know about this timeframe?  We know the asteroid Apophis is approaching the earth and it will be here in April 2029, just after Purim in that year.  When we back out 3.5 years from the Apophis arrival date in lands us in the middle of the fall feast days of 2025 (October), just after the Feast of Trumpets.  October 2025 is almost dead center between the two Purim blood moons.

Why does this matter?  This servant has asked the Lord repeatedly about varying prophetic voices telling us how much time we have.  To date, after many requests the Lord has yet to impress any timeframe upon this servant except be ready for the rapture/harpazo of the Church at any moment.  We are responsible for what the Lord gives us, not what the Lord gives other people.  So, this servant must remind you of the unexpected return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth and our responsibility to be ready for it.  To be fair, no one person receives everything so could we have more time than what is right in front of our face?  Sure, its possible but what is the Lord saying to you?

A look around at the global chess board shows a world in chaos.  There are many moving parts, lots of actors with lots of motives but we do see a constant, consistent theme of advancement toward the time of Jacob's trouble.  We all know its coming, it is written and it will happen exactly as advertised.  The million dollar question is when?  The presence of the Church on the earth restrains rot, decay and darkness.  That fact is what the world has going for its timeline today.  The restraining force of the Spirit filled Church could theoretically hold back the darkness indefinitely.  What is the mind of the Lord on this matter?

What this servant is hearing is:

1.  The clock is ticking, we do not have indefinite time.  The time we have to get things done is finite.

2.  We have been impressed by the Lord to use our talents, skills and abilities at the hall of fame level version of ourselves to serve the Kingdom

3.  We use all those talents, skills and abilities in the center of His Will.

4.  His Kingdom come, His Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.  His Will be done has alot to do with a heart for the lost.  We are on a rescue mission in a race against time, that is this servants impression on the time question.  The Lord has a time in mind and based on current events it could very well kick off any time between now and fall of this year.

5.  We are responsible for watching and being ready for the unexpected return of the Lord.  He never told us we have to predict it, we do have to be ready for it.  Thus, we conduct regular drills and exercises like good soldiers in remembrance and obedience to the command to be always watching and ready.

6.  We have to patiently persist in our work for the Kingdom while we remain on this earth.

We have received numerous signs in the heavens going back to the lunar tetrad in 2014-2015 warning us of events to come.  We had the tetrad, we had the two great American eclipses, now most recently we had the Purim blood moons.  Additionally the Lord has been warning through His servants of what we should be doing with the time we have left.  The Church has been guilty of apathy and complacency in the past.  Those who have ears to hear have been warned and are turning the corner on that problem, leaving it behind.  If the Lord decides to come back this fall, lets say Feast of Trumpets 2025, that gives us 6 months.  What are we going to do with that 6 months?  

What we have been doing here for decades is not setting dates, it is watching and preparing which is exactly what we were told to do.  Europe and the Nazi Ukr regime desperately want w@r with Russi@.  Klaus aka dr evil Schwab and his World Economic Forum henchmen want their "great reset" through WW3.  The Israel/Iran situation is getting hotter by the day, all the while the 3rd Temple waits in the shadows ready to be rebuilt.  Its all so close we could touch it.  Any one of these news items has world changing implications and its all happening at the same time.

Do you have to figure all the world events out for yourself?  No.  The Lord never asked you to be the world's best prognosticator, what He did ask you to do is read the signs of the times which this servant has attempted to summarize above.  This servant has heard nothing about us having years left on this earth.  What he has heard is be ready for the unexpected return of the Lord.  What that means to this nobody is continue to stay over the target of the rapture/harpazo while we do the work we were put here to do.  We can walk and chew gum at the same time.  We can be watching for the unexpected return of the Lord while we do what we are asked to do on this earth.  In fact, this process has been underway for decades with this servants faith stronger now than it ever was.

The assumption that we have endless time ahead of us could be problematic.  Time is limited, that is rock solid certain in this servant's mind/heart and spirit.  That is the understanding today.  Maybe the Lord changes His Mind down the road, who knows?  We have today, nobody guaranteed us tomorrow.  This servant's job is to remind you (and himself) of these things.  Whatever the Lord has put on your heart to do, do it now.  Too much apathy and complacency has been bred out of the expectation of indefinite time ahead.  Tomorrow will take care of itself, what are we doing with today?

Please join with this servant in praying in the Kingdom of God on earth just as it is in Heaven.

Matt 6

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation, 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Rev 3:10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation.

The Lord's prayer is the perfect prayer, praying in the Lord's Will and praying us out of the tribulation/trial/temptation/experiment.

We pray Lord,

Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

We pray that we will not be led into the tribulation, the trial, time of Jacob's trouble and testing.

We pray that You will end the violence, the tyranny and oppression of the leftists who war against us.  May their violence and calls for violence be returned into their own laps.  May they reap what they have sown.

We pray that whoever is attacking Tesla dealerships will be exposed and punished.

We pray for the protection of the Christians in Syria.  We pray they will be delivered from the evil persecution, tyranny and oppression they are under today.  We pray that those who persecute our Christian brothers and sisters will themselves be overthrown by the Hand of Almighty God.

We pray that You will rout and plunder the enemy as they have routed and plundered Your people.  We pray for the complete dismantling of all the fraud, oppression, suppression, theft etc of the old world order while we pray restraint, and binding of the new world order.  We pray for the Divine World Order on earth ruled by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray that You will save us from the enemy's bio terror @tt@cks, their mRNA we@pons of w@r, "operation stargate" and their AI false gods.

We pray that you will place thorns and thistles in their path, delay and destroy all of the efforts being made to construct the new demonic world order.

We pray for your protection over every civilian aircraft in the air and on the ground today and in the days to come.  We pray for the safety of every passenger and every air crew on every plane flying civilian missions over the world.  Please protect our aircraft, protect every flight from enemy attacks/enemy sabotage.  (our prayers are working.)

Today we bind, rebuke, and restrain every enemy plot, plan, and agenda to commit cyber @tt@cks against our nation and people.

We pray for peace and prosperity to increase across our land and the world.  We pray for a hope and a future according to Your Word.

We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ, a watching prayer that we will be found watching and ready on the day You arrive unexpectedly for us.

We pray today a hedge of protection over our electrical grid, our water supply, our food supply (esp. the chickens, the eggs, the cattle), all our critical infrastructure and everything else we need to live a quiet, peaceful life in all godliness and holiness. 

We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and form a protective wall around all of the resources, services and anything else we need to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness.  We loose you angels to go forth and wage war upon the enemy’s spiritual strongholds, supply, support, finances, their narratives/media/communications, and every other resource the enemy uses to wage war upon humanity and the Church.

We bind, rebuke, restrain every plot, plan, agenda, false flag, terrorist attack, space we@pon, directed energy we@pon, weather we@pon, chemtrails, narratives and other enemy activity used to harm/damage/destroy or otherwise adversely affect this nation and its people.  We bind, rebuke, restrain every attack listed on the false flag list (pinned articles of interest-right side of blog). We pray for peace on earth.  No more wars.  We pray for an end to the war in Ukraine, an end to the war in the Middle East and a full stop prevention of the f@lse fl@gs they have planned to justify w@r against Ir@n.

We ask the Lord our God to stretch out His Hand against all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We pray that every false flag (or otherwise) plot plan and agenda of the enemy will be exposed and destroyed.

We pray for an end to the World Economic Forum and all of their plots, plans, and agendas that have been weaponized against humanity.  May all those who plot, plan, and scheme against humanity day and night have all their wealth and power stripped from them so they can do no more evil.

We pray today that we will be found in the very center of our Father's Will for us both today and in the days to come.   

We pray for an end to Communism, an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology from the pit of hell.  We pray that the scourge of Communism be removed from the face of the earth never to return.  We pray for the freedom of the gospel to flow through China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and any other communist countries not listed here.  We pray that their people will be set free from tyranny and oppression.

Lord, we pray for our enemies today according to Your Word and Will.  We ask that You will save every one of their souls.  We ask You to turn them from their wicked ways and lead them to make peace with us (Your Church) and You, their Creator. 

We pray for an end to voter fraud of every kind.  We pray for an end to electronic voting machines, election stealingvote rigging and endless criminal days of introducing fraudulent votes in our nation.  We pray for same day voting and vote counting.  

We pray for wickedness and evil to be exposed, judged and removed from:

School boards


City councils

City governments

County governments

State governments

Court rooms/(activist, globalist, enemy of humanity, bought and paid for, compromised. leftist judges must be removed)

Colleges and universities

The entertainment industry

The media

The pulpits

The corporate world (big business colluding with evil)

The Federal Government-we pray the deep state will be completely uprooted and destroyed

Every public institution from high to low across the land

We pray for the end of tyranny and oppression in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the Islands like a fire.  We believers in America stand in agreement with believers across the world for an end to the tyranny, oppression and wickedness and a return to repentance, revival and righteousness. 

We pray for an end to the leftist, communist, totalitarian governments of Europe.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to sweep Europe like a fire.

We pray for lower electricity, gas, food, and rent prices.  We pray for a financial/economic miracle for our nation to dig us out of the hole left for us by the demonic globalists.  We pray for our Lord's Blessing, peace and prosperity over our nation.

We bind, rebuke, restrain the satanic blindness that is over the people across the world so they can see how wicked, terrible, ugly and hypocritical the evil is, turn and be saved.

We pray for the fire of repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the entire Middle East.

We pray for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.

We pray that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 

We pray for the protection of Donald J Trump, his family, Elon Musk, JD Vance and everyone else in his administration.  We pray that he will be given wisdom, insight and knowledge to rebuild/restore this nation and to destroy all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to form an angelic secret service detail around DJT and his family for their protection.  We bind, rebuke and restrain any/all demonic, satanic or any other attack against DJT, his family and his administration.  We pray a special hedge of protection over Elon Musk and DOGE as they deconstruct the deep state.

We pray that you Lord will give us all of the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy for the edification and encouragement of Your Church.

We stand in the gap for the land today that You Lord will not destroy it nor allow the enemy to destroy it but instead we pray You pour out Your Holy Spirit from east to west and north to south.  A Spirit of repentance, revival and righteousness to drive the darkness out and turn the lights back on in the earth.

We believe we receive everything we have prayed for now in Jesus Name standing in agreement with You Lord God Almighty and each other.  We believe we have received what we asked for in prayer right now in Jesus Name.  We give thanks for all of it.  We rejoice over the hope and the future You have provided for us Lord.  

We believe today, that You have saved the best for last.  Our best days and our greatest victories are still ahead of us.  Today we will trust You.  Today we will rejoice.  Today we will give thanks.  Today we pray and we watch in expectation for Your answers to all we have asked for.


Glory to God

grace and peace

Friday, March 21, 2025

Phase 3 Prayer Over The Nation and the World-Day 59

 PS 9

19Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph;

let the nations be judged in your presence.

20Strike them with terror, Lord;

let the nations know they are only mortal.

The activist judges are temporary.  The plots, intrigues and plans of the enemy are temporary.  The Spirit of the Lord has impressed upon this servant to share with you that we must become like Him.  He is patient and long suffering.  He is not alarmed, or dismayed, or anxious in any way by any of the schemes or evil plans of the enemy.  He knows everything they are going to do before they do it.  And He knows they are running out of time.  Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is ticking.  We can afford to be patient, we have eternity waiting for us on the other side.  "They" on the other hand, are in a hurry because they have a lake of fire waiting for them.

We are being encouraged to embrace patient persistence today.  Just never stop.  If you cannot sprint, then jog, if you cannot jog, then walk, if you cannot walk then crawl but do not stop moving forward.  We know, and "they" know, we win this fight in the end.  And even now there are seasons of winning battles in the midst of the war and this servant believes this is a time for us, the Church to rise up into our victory.  

Phil 4:6

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Heb 6:12

that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Through faith and patience...............inherit the promises.

Eph 6

10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the [b]wiles of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [c]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 19and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Today, we stand on the promises given to us by the Lord God.  Today we stand in and on our faith and belief.  Today we stand on what we are asking for in prayer.  Today we stand for the land we are living in.  Today we stand in the gap for the land and its people.  We refuse to budge even a single inch.  Today we stand for taking back all that the enemy has stolen from us.  Today we stand for our children by taking back our schools and school boards, colleges and universities.  Today we stand in our belief that the enemy will now be routed and plundered by the Hand of Almighty God on behalf of His Children which is us the Church.

Strap on all your armor today and stand.

Matt 16:18

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Luke 10:19

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Today we speak our victory over the land.  We speak the power, the provision and the protection of Almighty God over ourselves, our families and all the land we live in from east to west and north to south.  We break, cut down, nullify, bind, rebuke, restrain the authoritarian, tyrannical, and oppressive governments across Europe.  We speak freedom to the captives and sight to the blind.  We speak the Word of God, the Will of God and the triumph of the Kingdom of God over the kingdom of darkness across our land the United States, across all of Europe and the whole world.  Our Lord's Kingdom come (and it cannot be stopped), our Lord's Will be done (every knee will bow) here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

No longer will the Church wallow in apathy, complacency and Nicolaitan suppression and oppression.  It is time to rise up.  We are being called up while we remain on this earth in preparation for that day when we are called up out of this earth.  We are being prepared today to rule and reign with Him.  That is why the enemy hates us with a demonic fervor.  He ("they") wanted it all for themselves but instead the Kingdom has been promised to us.

Seek the Face of the Lord and all these things will be made clear to you.  The Lord God never told His Church to roll over and play dead before the demonic satanic forces at work on this earth.  No, instead He gave us all of His power and authority to stab a battle flag down into the land, claim the territory for His Kingdom and push to the fringes every hint of rot, decay and darkness.  That is what salt and light does.

Today is the day to rise up into your calling in Christ Jesus.

Phil 3:14

Pressing Toward the Goal

12Not that I have already attained,[c] or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13Brethren, I do not count myself to have [d]apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Please join with this servant in praying in the Kingdom of God on earth just as it is in Heaven.

Matt 6

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13And do not lead us into temptation, 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation
But deliver us from the evil one.
[d]For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Rev 3:10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 3986: an experiment, a trial, temptation.

The Lord's prayer is the perfect prayer, praying in the Lord's Will and praying us out of the tribulation/trial/temptation/experiment.

We pray Lord,

Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

We pray that we will not be led into the tribulation, the trial, time of Jacob's trouble and testing.

We pray that You will end the violence, the tyranny and oppression of the leftists who war against us.  May their violence and calls for violence be returned into their own laps.  May they reap what they have sown.

We pray that whoever is attacking Tesla dealerships will be exposed and punished.

We pray for the protection of the Christians in Syria.  We pray they will be delivered from the evil persecution, tyranny and oppression they are under today.  We pray that those who persecute our Christian brothers and sisters will themselves be overthrown by the Hand of Almighty God.

We pray that You will rout and plunder the enemy as they have routed and plundered Your people.  We pray for the complete dismantling of all the fraud, oppression, suppression, theft etc of the old world order while we pray restraint, and binding of the new world order.  We pray for the Divine World Order on earth ruled by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray that You will save us from the enemy's bio terror @tt@cks, their mRNA we@pons of w@r, "operation stargate" and their AI false gods.

We pray that you will place thorns and thistles in their path, delay and destroy all of the efforts being made to construct the new demonic world order.

We pray for your protection over every civilian aircraft in the air and on the ground today and in the days to come.  We pray for the safety of every passenger and every air crew on every plane flying civilian missions over the world.  Please protect our aircraft, protect every flight from enemy attacks/enemy sabotage.  (our prayers are working.)

Today we bind, rebuke, and restrain every enemy plot, plan, and agenda to commit cyber @tt@cks against our nation and people.

We pray for peace and prosperity to increase across our land and the world.  We pray for a hope and a future according to Your Word.

We pray for ourselves, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ, a watching prayer that we will be found watching and ready on the day You arrive unexpectedly for us.

We pray today a hedge of protection over our electrical grid, our water supply, our food supply (esp. the chickens, the eggs, the cattle), all our critical infrastructure and everything else we need to live a quiet, peaceful life in all godliness and holiness. 

We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and form a protective wall around all of the resources, services and anything else we need to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness.  We loose you angels to go forth and wage war upon the enemy’s spiritual strongholds, supply, support, finances, their narratives/media/communications, and every other resource the enemy uses to wage war upon humanity and the Church.

We bind, rebuke, restrain every plot, plan, agenda, false flag, terrorist attack, space we@pon, directed energy we@pon, weather we@pon, chemtrails, narratives and other enemy activity used to harm/damage/destroy or otherwise adversely affect this nation and its people.  We bind, rebuke, restrain every attack listed on the false flag list (pinned articles of interest-right side of blog). We pray for peace on earth.  No more wars.  We pray for an end to the war in Ukraine, an end to the war in the Middle East and a full stop prevention of the f@lse fl@gs they have planned to justify w@r against Ir@n.

We ask the Lord our God to stretch out His Hand against all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We pray that every false flag (or otherwise) plot plan and agenda of the enemy will be exposed and destroyed.

We pray for an end to the World Economic Forum and all of their plots, plans, and agendas that have been weaponized against humanity.  May all those who plot, plan, and scheme against humanity day and night have all their wealth and power stripped from them so they can do no more evil.

We pray today that we will be found in the very center of our Father's Will for us both today and in the days to come.   

We pray for an end to Communism, an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology from the pit of hell.  We pray that the scourge of Communism be removed from the face of the earth never to return.  We pray for the freedom of the gospel to flow through China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and any other communist countries not listed here.  We pray that their people will be set free from tyranny and oppression.

Lord, we pray for our enemies today according to Your Word and Will.  We ask that You will save every one of their souls.  We ask You to turn them from their wicked ways and lead them to make peace with us (Your Church) and You, their Creator. 

We pray for an end to voter fraud of every kind.  We pray for an end to electronic voting machines, election stealingvote rigging and endless criminal days of introducing fraudulent votes in our nation.  We pray for same day voting and vote counting.  

We pray for wickedness and evil to be exposed, judged and removed from:

School boards


City councils

City governments

County governments

State governments

Court rooms/(activist, globalist, enemy of humanity, bought and paid for, compromised. leftist judges must be removed)

Colleges and universities

The entertainment industry

The media

The pulpits

The corporate world (big business colluding with evil)

The Federal Government-we pray the deep state will be completely uprooted and destroyed

Every public institution from high to low across the land

We pray for the end of tyranny and oppression in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the Islands like a fire.  We believers in America stand in agreement with believers across the world for an end to the tyranny, oppression and wickedness and a return to repentance, revival and righteousness. 

We pray for an end to the leftist, communist, totalitarian governments of Europe.  We pray for repentance, revival and righteousness to sweep Europe like a fire.

We pray for lower electricity, gas, food, and rent prices.  We pray for a financial/economic miracle for our nation to dig us out of the hole left for us by the demonic globalists.  We pray for our Lord's Blessing, peace and prosperity over our nation.

We bind, rebuke, restrain the satanic blindness that is over the people across the world so they can see how wicked, terrible, ugly and hypocritical the evil is, turn and be saved.

We pray for the fire of repentance, revival and righteousness to spread across the entire Middle East.

We pray for all people everywhere that their souls are saved.

We pray that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 

We pray for the protection of Donald J Trump, his family, Elon Musk, JD Vance and everyone else in his administration.  We pray that he will be given wisdom, insight and knowledge to rebuild/restore this nation and to destroy all the plots, plans and agendas of the enemy.  We loose the angels who serve our Lord Father and our Lord Jesus Christ to form an angelic secret service detail around DJT and his family for their protection.  We bind, rebuke and restrain any/all demonic, satanic or any other attack against DJT, his family and his administration.  We pray a special hedge of protection over Elon Musk and DOGE as they deconstruct the deep state.

We pray that you Lord will give us all of the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy for the edification and encouragement of Your Church.

We stand in the gap for the land today that You Lord will not destroy it nor allow the enemy to destroy it but instead we pray You pour out Your Holy Spirit from east to west and north to south.  A Spirit of repentance, revival and righteousness to drive the darkness out and turn the lights back on in the earth.

We believe we receive everything we have prayed for now in Jesus Name standing in agreement with You Lord God Almighty and each other.  We believe we have received what we asked for in prayer right now in Jesus Name.  We give thanks for all of it.  We rejoice over the hope and the future You have provided for us Lord.  

We believe today, that You have saved the best for last.  Our best days and our greatest victories are still ahead of us.  Today we will trust You.  Today we will rejoice.  Today we will give thanks.  Today we pray and we watch in expectation for Your answers to all we have asked for.


Glory to God

grace and peace