Matt 7:7
7“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
We give thanks to the Lord our God today and every day that restraint over evil, wickedness, oppression and tyranny takes place. Every peaceful quiet day is a result of the prayers of the saints and the power of Almighty God. The inauguration was a day of peace and joy, only because of the power of the Most High God and the agreement of the Lord God with the saints in restraining the evil that was planned to take place.
The wicked oppression and evil we saw over the past 4-8 years has not just disappeared, it is being restrained by opposing spiritual power. The peaceful inauguration is evidence that your prayers work. The fact that DJT made it to inauguration day in tact is proof that your prayers work. Our work has just begun. We who stand watch on the wall must be engaged every day over the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years then 4 years.
The wickedness and vileness that has been on display the past 4 years is enough to turn the strongest stomach upside down. How about this-never again. Not on our watch. We know "they" are just waiting for a window of opportunity to do their worst. How about we do not give them that opportunity? How about instead, we completely 100% sell out to doing the Will of our Father in Heaven as an antidote to the vile sickness that is the evil we have seen over the past 4 years.
We have been given an opportunity to set things right while we are on the watchmen on the wall. Lets do that. Let us agree together to agree with the Lord our God to do what He wants done on this earth because we have seen the alternative and it is absolutely grotesque in the extreme. The Lord God knows how to use both the carrot and the stick. We have both before us today. The past 4 years are the stick to our backside to never every let that happen again and least not as far as it depends on us. The carrot is the Lord God loves us and He told us what the wages of sin are but we were too busy, too lazy, too apathetic or too complacent to listen. Hopefully He has our full attention now.
There are no "average" believers in the Kingdom of God. There are no "lay people." Every believer with a faith the size of a mustard seed can and will move mountains and that is what we are going to need to do starting right now. It is time to clean house. The demonic filth needs to be removed from society then the house needs to be sterilized so the Holy Spirit can take up residence in our public spaces once again.
The Lord God thinks big because He is God. The vision set before us is thinking big, like erasing Communism from the face of the earth who comes up with that idea? He does. His Kingdom come, His Will be done on this earth just as it is in heaven. How about getting all the pedo/sicko/narcissistic psychopaths out of our schools and off our school boards? If you dont think we would find it in Heaven, why is it tolerated on this earth? We who believe can do something about everything. The "average" believer can move mountains, change water to wine, raise the dead, feed thousands with a couple fish and a loaf of bread and more. Really? Yea, but dont take this nobody's word for it, how about lets take Jesus at His Word:
John 14:12
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
The spiritual hired hands dont like this at all ^^^ because it empowers you and disempowers them. And it terrifies our spiritual enemies because they know what the Word of God says and they tremble at it
James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!
An empowered Church with the Nicolaitan shackles taken off is the enemies worst nightmare. We are all, every one of us to be praying/asking for all the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy.
1 Cor 14:1
Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.
Walking like Jesus did in the fulness of the gifts with power and authority over the enemy is standard operating procedure for how the Church is supposed to operate according to the Bible but not according to the Babylonian churchianity that has been handed down to us:
1 Peter 1:18
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors,
We need all hands on deck to finish what has been started. We need every believer operating at their own personal hall of fame level version of themselves, walking in the all the gifts the Lord is willing to hand out (He told us to ask for them) and walking in the power and authority given to us by the Word. What is the Will of God for us today? Do what He said to do in His Word. Walk in the power and authority He has freely given to us to do His Will on this earth just as it is done in Heaven.
Read the Bible for yourself. Seek the Lord God's Face, His favor, His counsel. Walk in the gifts and power. All of this is not for your spiritual hired hand who leaves the sheep for the wolves, its all for You. Everything the Lord Jesus Christ shed His Blood for on that Cross, we want all of it, all the power, all the healing, all the forgiveness, all the favor, all of it. He did it for us and its time we stopped leaving most if not all our gifts and power on the table to gather dust. The time to fully engage with every tool at our disposal is right now.
The time for apathy and complacency are over. We do not know how much time the Lord has given us but we should set our minds to redeem the time so on the day we stand before Him we can say "Lord, I finished the work You gave me to do, just as You finished the work given to You. All for the Glory of our Father in Heaven."
Your prayers, your faith and your engagement are making a difference every single day. This post is an encouragement to reach higher, and push farther until we run out of time and only the Lord knows when that is. Well done, keep fighting the good fight of faith. We are dearly loved.
Glory to God
grace and peace