Friday, January 10, 2025

Phase 2 Prayer and Promise Preparation of the Battlefield, 10 Days and Counting

 Stay over the targets

Pray over the targets

The enemy did this before during orange man 1.0.  We saw a symphony of distraction for 4 years to keep people and the Church constantly reacting then they stole the election and increased the punishment of America.  This time, as long as the Church remains on the earth, "they" will find out its going to be different.  Yes, they have already opened their playbook and started the first act in it but this time they are going to run into a wall of prayers and promises.

We, the Church have been given every tool under heaven to deal with the problems we see around us.  This time, with the help, assistance and guidance of Almighty God, the gates of hell get pushed back regardless of what they do.  This time we proact before we react.  The Spirit of the Lord has laid out a list of prayer targets that we are to stay over day and night until He either updates them or we see on this earth the answer to our prayers.

What are the targets?

Driving wickedness out of:

our school boards




the entertainment industry

court rooms

city councils

city governments

state governments

the federal government

Communism being eradicated from the face of the earth as an anti-Christ and anti-human ideology.

Binding, rebuking, restraining the satanic blindness that is over the people so they can see how hypocritical, terrible and ugly the evil actually is, turn and be saved

Praying for all people everywhere that their souls are saved

Standing in the gap for the land so the Lord will not destroy it nor allow the enemy to destroy it

Praying for repentance, revival and righteousness to sweep the land like a fire-starting where we live then sweeping across the entire earth.

Praying every day for the end of voter fraud, the end of stealing elections, the end of electronic voting machines, the end of multi-week/multi-month ballot "counting" (stealing/fraud).


What effect will success in praying over these targets ^^^ have on the future?  Yea, its going to seriously crimp the enemy's style.  The Lord God has raised up a battle standard against the enemy.  It is the Spirit of Almighty God that stands against "them" and we stand hand in hand with our Lord in perfect alignment and agreement.

This time, "they" arent going to be successful in their strategy of endless distraction in order to wait us out for 4 years then go on a steal, pillage, robbing and killing spree for the next 4 years.  This time "they" will be opposed every inch of the way, in every direction, in every @tt@ck, it will all be opposed.  We stand in agreement with the Lord God in Heaven that His Kingdom come and His Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.

If there is no gay/trans porn in the libraries in Heaven there should be no gay/trans demonic filth in our kindergarten libraries either.  If there are no bought off/and or blackmailed corrupt judges in Heaven, then we cannot tolerate them on earth either.  If the Lord God hates unjust scales and balances in Heaven, then the corrupt vote stealing systems on earth must be eradicated as well.  His Will be done.  That is the Lord's prayer.  We stand in alignment and agreement with His Will, and His Word.  Who is going to stop the Lord God from acting when He has stretched out His Hand?  Who is going to stop the Lord God from acting when His Church stands hand in Hand with Him in alignment and agreement to do all that He Wills?


Today we remember the Lord's promise that He is going to return on a day that we do not expect Him.  This servant has read people's objections and opinions from "yes, we can know the day" to "That verse doesn't mean what you think it means" etc.  All that is rubbish.  This servant has read the verses, all of them over and over, prayed over them and what this servant's faith says is the Lord meant what He said:  He is coming back at an unknown day and hour.  He never told us we have to accurately predict or guess what day that would be.  He did tell us to be watching and ready on the day He arrives for us.

So instead of spending endless amounts of time agonizing over what the Word says or doesnt say how about we just do what we were told to do?  Pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, all of the above trib, it doesnt matter if there is 1 or 7 raptures or when they take place.  If we do what we were told to do which is be watching and ready to meet the Lord every day, we cannot miss His unexpected return regardless of when it happens.  This servant has not read an argument anywhere by anyone that is superior to doing exactly what the Word of God tells us to do regarding the rapture/harpazo/unexpected return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In addition to this ^^^ nobody guaranteed any of us that we get to see tomorrow.  So any of us could "graduate" from earth to heaven from natural causes or whatever apart from the rapture anyway and nobody gets red in the face with veins popping out of the neck in anger over that fact?  We have to be ready to meet the Lord every day one way or the other.

This servant sees a world that is ready for the time of Jacob's trouble.  The stage has been set perfectly.  This servant believes the orange man could be the rider on the white horse or even the "chosen vessel" for the anti-Christ after the Church/Restrainer is removed from the earth.  If that is the case, we the Church do not have much time left on earth.

If on the other hand the Lord decides to tarry, the stage is also set to advance the world toward the time of Jacob's trouble while at the same time the Church performs its rescue mission for the lost across the earth in order to bring in one more harvest.

Cyrus rescued Israel from Babylon and he was a pagan.  The orange man could be used to punish the deep state, profit the Church and Israel (for a time) in the same manner and he is a pagan (as far as this servant can tell).  The orange man is God's man for God's plan-whatever that plan ends up being.  The Lord God is King and we are His servants.  He determines the plan, and we follow that plan.  We agree with it and stand in alignment with it.

This servant has offerred his opinion on the matter.  If it were up to this servant, the path forward would be to punish, rout and plunder the enemy for all the evil they have done, to purse the wickedness and corruption from public institutions and to bring in one more glorious harvest of souls.  That is what this servant is asking for/praying for while at the same time deferring to our Lord's Will on all matters.

We do not have to wait long to find out which way things are going to go.  4 years is not a long time.  8 months is not a long time and thats about how much time we have until Feast of Trumpets 2025, which is another readiness window where we practice "upping our game" in both readiness and watchfulness just like a military exercise.

10 more days until the end of Phase 2 and the beginning of Phase 3.  Phase 3 is where we engage day in and day out over the prayer targets.  We are to be proactive before reactive.  The enemy will try to do their worst, and we will do our best hand in hand with the Lord God Almighty.  

Keep the faith

Be relentless in prayer and fasting

Stand in agreement and alignment with the Lord God and with each other

Believe we have already received what we are asking for in prayer

Stand in our faith and belief until what is unseen is seen.

Glory to God

grace and peace be upon you