Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Phase 2 Prayer and Promise Preparation of the Battlefield, 6 Days and Counting

 6 days until phase 2 turns into phase 3.  We are going to need to pray for the orange man every single day over the next 4 or so years.  "They" obviously do not want him to be president.  In addition to praying for the orange man, his family and entire administration, we have many other goals and objectives that need to be prayed into existence on this earth.  2 years from now they are going to try to steal mid-term elections across the country.  4 years from now they are going to try another epic, in your face historic voter fraud scheme.  The servant who writes to you today highly suggests we all get down on our knees today to seek the face of God, in order to prevent the demon-crats from ever returning to power.

We do not have to predict the future and we don't have to be novel or creative.  We have to be persistent, diligent, disciplined, determined, and patient in prayer, fasting, binding and loosing.  Day in and day out we pray over the targets until we see the results we are praying for.  What the Spirit of the Lord wants to partner with us for is national, then global deliverance.  That is what this servant understands His intent to be today.

This ^^^ will require every believer to break off their Nicolaitan shackles and step into the power and authority that belong to every single believer in Jesus Christ.

Nico=conquer or victory over


The Nicolaitan system is the Babylonian churchianity system of suppression and oppression of the masses.  It is demonic.

Rev 2:15

Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

There are no "lay people" in the Body of Christ.  None, zero.  Show me "lay people" in the Body of Christ in the Bible?  They can't because its not in there except for a brief mention by the Lord God to tell us He hates it.

The least among us, those with mustard seed sized faith can moved mountains with their faith.  So, again, there is nothing "lay person" about that kind of action and those kinds of results.  Most "pastors" are not moving mountains today much less the "lay people" in "their" flock.  Come out from among them, it is time to rise and shine.  It is time for the blind to see and the captives to be set free.  It is time for signs, wonders and miracles among us who believe.  For the world all this is miraculous, for the true believer it is all just another day at the office:

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

We are on the Lord's clock now.  Our time to do whatever we wanted is up because the world almost was drug over a cliff into the abyss by today's system of Babylonian churchianity and its resultant apathy and complacency.  It is time to do what the Lord wants to do.  His Will be done here on earth just as it is in Heaven.  How is Communism going to be eradicated from the face of the earth?  The Lord God Almighty and His Church aligned and in agreement.  How are we going to put a stop to entrenched corruption and rot in government from high to low across the land? The Lord God Almighty and His Church aligned and in agreement.  And the list goes on and on.

Nobody knows how much time we have left here on earth so we need to be always watching and ready for the unexpected return of the Lord.  In the meantime, while the Church remains on earth, we are to work out our Biblical mandate to be salt and light in this world.  Salt is a suppression agent, suppressing rot and decay.  Light is an eradication agent-driving out darkness everywhere the light is introduced.

It is time to begin grinding out the results we want to see on this earth.  We need to be praying for the orange man as this servant remembers the word "spectacle" the Spirit of the Lord impressed about what the enemy would like to create on/around inauguration day.  Let us stand in agreement with each other and the Lord God that the days on and around 1/20/25 are peaceful, joyous days that signal the end of the enemy's season of terror.

Glory to God

grace and peace