We have seen this show before. What we saw in Hawaii, we are now seeing in California. The evidence is overwhelming that these are planned, orchestrated, allowed fires that are engineered through space and weather we@pons. What makes them so successful and thus devastating is the plausible deniability that comes with them. We need to and will add exposure, binding, restraining and rebuking the use of space based and weather we@pons against our land and our people.
The problem with this ^^^ is "they" could conceivably burn down the entire country at this pace and deny they had anything to do with it. So we ask the Lord God right now in Jesus name to expose their we@pons and restrain, bind, rebuke their use against us. We are seeing w@r being declared against Americ@ and its people by the enemy and the orange man hasnt even taken office yet.
An update to this article, "they" planned for LA to be a smart city by 2028. Only one way to do that! Burn it all down, planned, orchestrated, allowed...Who is "allowing" all this to happen? A communist, marxist, extreme left narcissistic psychopath. Communism must be erased from the face of the earth, its on the prayer list of things to be removed and never to return.
Its time for the Church to push the throttle forward to 100. If we dont want our neighborhoods burned to the ground we better start praying, fasting, standing in agreement, repenting, reviving and standing in righteousness today. "They" could do and will do what is happening in California anywhere they want if the Church and the Lord God do not intervene. We are intervening in prayer right now, and we are adding these fires to the list of f@lse fl@g attacks to be exposed, bound, rebuked and restrained.
Glory to God
grace and peace