Phase 1 was the time up to the election
Phase 2 is election through inauguration
Phase 3 is inauguration through Nov 2028
We are in phase 2 today. What is the sight picture this servant has from the wall today? The Lord could come back at any moment. It is possible that the orange man could be the rider on the white horse of Rev 1. Not saying "will be" but "could be." We don't have to predict, we do have to be ready. The enemy is attempting to cloud the atmosphere with negative news 24/7. The enemy plans to do their worst, and we plan to do our best at our Lord's request.
The path forward, if the Lord tarries is paved with proactive prayer and praying the promises over this earth. The path forward is "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done here on earth just as it is in heaven." The path forward is relentless, diligent, patient and persistent effort in prayer and fasting, standing in agreement, and believing we receive what we ask for in prayer.
Right now, the two most likely paths forward that this servant can see are: 1. the Lord pulls His Church out of the earth and the tribulation begins and 2. This world continues its inevitable march toward the tribulation while at the same time we the Church are conducting a rescue mission throughout the earth. Which one is more likely this servant does not know. Number 2 there is an interesting path because on one hand we see elon, Peter Thiel and the orange man developing the world in many ways for the tribulation (mark of the beast tech, 10 UN territories for 10 kings (Dan 7:24), AI) while on the other hand we are praying for the fall of communism all over the world which would enable a very large harvest on our watch.
Also, because the orange man is a man of many contradictions this weird mix would work. Cyrus set Israel free from Babylon. The orange man right now is a type of Cyrus as well. Cyrus was a pagan, the orange man is still a pagan as far as this servant can tell. Yes we are praying for the orange man, as well as Elon and everyone else in government. But right now we are living with contradictions and conflicts. We are praying for the orange man to do all the good that can be done while he is in power. This world moving closer toward tribulation while we conduct a rescue mission throughout the earth are not mutually exclusive. They can and likely will proceed together. That is what this servant sees from the wall today.
Can the picture change over time? Over course, but we need to be ready for what we can see today. If the orange man plans are good, we the Church support him and the Lord God supports us. That would mean some crushing defeats for the enemy which is exactly what we are praying for. It is going to come down to what the Lord has decided about the Church's time left on earth. Seals 1-2 of Rev 6 are already locked and loaded into the chamber, all the Lord has to do is pull the trigger. Seal 1, the orange man rides out to create peace in Ukr and Isr@el, seal 2 is w@r with Ir@n and by extension likely Russi@ and Chin@ which would usher in seals 3-6. Is this a done deal today? No. Today is be ready for anything day.
Soldiers have to be ready for multiple possible outcomes in their daily lives. They can be training one day and deployed the next. Its business as usual for them and it needs to be business as usual for us.
While we are here we have a job to do. We are salt and light in this world. We the Church with the indwelling Spirit of the Lord are the Restrainer that holds back the evil, wickedness that threatens the world daily. The Word of God says the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. The Word of God also says we have been given power to tread upon snakes and scorpions and all the power of the enemy. So, thats what we are doing today. While we do that we are also bringing in the harvest. It is the Lord's will that all people everywhere be saved. So, we are doing our part to make His Will happen on earth.
If the Lord should tarry we are to grind out our results with day in and day out perseverance and diligence. If the Church remains on this earth 4 years from now we have have piled up thousands upon thousands of prayers onto our Lord's lap asking Him to deliver us from voter fraud, electronic cheating machines, "counting" votes for months until "they" win and all the other wickedness that takes place in elections today. We are not sitting back and allowing the enemy to "wait us out" this time. In addition we are praying the enemy presence out of every square inch of public life: the school boards, schools, colleges, universities, city councils, board of supervisors, the entertainment industry, state governments, our court rooms and especially the federal government. This servant is certain the Kingdom of Heaven does not have demonic fallen angel inspired school boards or any other form of government so why should we tolerate it here? Thy Will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven. That's what the Lord's perfect prayer says. As His Will is done in Heaven let it be done here on earth. The Lord's perfect prayer is the nexus for the Church to fully engage everywhere and anywhere on earth with all the power and authority given to us.
What is the Spirit saying to the Church today. What you see written above is what this servant is hearing and seeing. Each one of us must get their own guidance/instruction/counsel from the Lord. We all take our orders from Him.
Today lets pray together for a peaceful, quiet, joyous inauguration day. We can all rejoice that we do not have to hear the cackling condescending hyena ever talk down to us again. We are praying for the orange man to do as much damage to the deep state as possible. We must remember however that the orange man is just the tip of the spear. The Church is the spear and the Lord God is the One who throws the spear. So, waiting for the orange man to take care of all our problems is not on the table in any shape or fashion. The Church is to push that throttle up to 100% and get work done every day we are on the face of the earth. We have alot of work to do...
Prayer and promises posting next.
Glory to God
grace and peace