As I was on the road this past week, I believe the Lord spoke to me about our mindset. I think what he said to me is that everything we do from today forward needs to be done in the context of where we find ourselves: at the end of the age. Think about that for a second, we are at THE END OF THE AGE. I've been saying this over and over again, time is short. I say this because something inside of me is saying that over and over again. Whatever it is that we find ourselves doing today and each day should be done with the understanding that time is short, the end of the age is upon the world. Love with all your heart, work hard as to the Lord, not unto men. I have no idea how much time is left, but we have been put on notice. The Lord is coming back for a spotless bride. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, may he grant you peace.