The Lord just gave me an addition to the previous post (find the Spirit of God). As we act to follow the Spirit of God, we do that on a moment to moment basis. Remember "give us this day our daily bread?" Breakfast is served in the morning, not at noon or in the evening, likewise lunch is not served in the morning. Breakfast? Lunch? Yes, the right thing served at the right time.
He also impressed me with the need for us to overcome ourselves. That means doing things when most of the time we don't "feel like it." If we act in spite of the fact that we don't "feel like it," the Lord will honor that and reward us every time. If we act in spite of ourselves, the Lord will provide. Once we take that first step past "I don't feel like it," the Lord steps in and begins providing stregth, motivation and everything else we need to do what has to be done.
Another point brought to my mind has to do with being "overweight." There is a physical example that illustrates a deeper truth. This writer has recently lost around 30 pounds. The Lord pointed out to me how my face and body have changed in the process. As I lose all the "excess weight" I come closer and closer into alignment with who I am supposed to be. When I see how I was supposed to be, I have more joy, I am in a state that gives me equilibrium, inside world matches outside world. The point here is that there is more to "weight down" a person than fat around the midsection. There are many "weights" that we are to shed to become light and free, what we are supposed to be. Here, this is illustrated for us:
Luke 21:34“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. 35For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth. 36Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
Do you see those key words in there? WEIGHED DOWN....Seems to me that many of us need to go on "diets." What causes us to become anxious about life? The entire mass media corptocracy? Yea? Then get rid of it. When we are weighed down, we are not who we are supposed to be, just as I look and feel different when I am 30 pounds lighter, so this applies with everything else..
What is weighing us down? Whatever it is, it is stealing from us, and it may deprive us from being counted worthy of the escape from all the IS coming, you can bet on it.
I had to write this before I forgot what was given. grace and peace
Tell The Lord That You Love Him
6 years ago