Tuesday, May 30, 2023

A.I.:Anti-Christ Intelligence

 The Spirit of the Lord has impressed upon this servant that we are to keep our eyes on Christ and continue to do what we were put here to do.  We are to believe that we have received what we are asking for in prayer.  This is important because in this world, from a wordly perspective what we are asking for is just about impossible.  Why is it almost impossible?  Because we are dealing with an anti-Christ intelligence that has implemented this plan to wage war on humanity.

From a wordly perspective they appear to have all their bases covered.  The plan is "foolproof" except those who follow the path of evil are fools.  Here is what "they" don't "get."  It does not matter that they have demonic intelligence working for them.  It does not matter that they have employed "AI" supercomputers to vacuum up all the data in the world, then slice and dice it and project probable outcomes.  In fact, it does not matter what they do.  Here is why...

Many moons ago when Moses and Isreal were backed up to the Red Sea with Pharaoh's chariots bearing down on them, that appeared to be impossible for Israel.  If one had an A.I. supercomputer back then, which piece of data that it vacuumed up from the ancient world would have predicted or projected that the Almight was going to part the Red Sea then bury Pharaoh and his army in it?

Or how about when Israel and King Hezekiah were facing the Assyrian army in 2 Kings 19?  Which "data point" would have told the King of Assyria that the Lord was going to send out an angel to smoke 185,000 of his troops?

Same rules apply now.  Where the enemy has employed anti-Christ supernatural intelligence and AI supercomputers to wage war on humanity, the Lord God Almighty is perfectly justified in employing His own supernatural power and intelligence to counter it.  Check and m

ate.  If you are paying attention this world is not on the verge of a "one world order" like the globalist psycos are praying for.  It looks more like one world disorder.  R@@@@@ is armed to the teeth and does not want to play by Joey Diapers rules or Herr Klaus Schwabs rules, or Billie Gates rules.  Not interested at all.....

And again if you have been paying attention "the bear" has been waxing the floor with globalist rear ends.  It doesn't matter how much mil. hardware Joey and friends sends over its all getting vaporized.  So as long as "the bear" stays uninterested in joining Joey's diaper club the NWO has some serious problems on its hands.  And this is just the things we can see.  

Keep praying, the prayers are working.  Keep your eyes on Christ and every plan, plot, agenda and narrative that the enemy exposes to the light of day let us bring to bear all the power of heaven down upon it through prayer and belief.  The Lord said we can move mountains if we believe.  He was not joking. :)

Glory to God

grace and peace