Thursday, August 03, 2023

Feast of Trumpets 2023


We are fast approaching that time of year when we hold a watching exercise.  The military holds drills all the time to practice for the day when their skills will really be needed.  We should approach the Lord's appointed times/feast days the same way.  We want to be on high alert every year around Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets because the Lord told us:

Luke 21:

36Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”


Mark 13

35“Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’

We know there is a day when the Lord will come back for us at an unexpected time.  All the spring feasts of the Lord were fulfilled on the very day of those feasts so we can expect the same kind of precision with the fall feasts.  

There has been much debate and endless back and forth over the rapture/catching away of the Church.  That has all been put to rest by simply doing exactly what the Lord God told us to do in the most simple way possible.  What does Luke 21 say?  Be always on the watch, or always be ready.  There it is, a one sentence ending to the rapture debate.  When should we be watching for the Lord's unexpected return?  Right now, today.  If it doesn't happen today then what?  We rinse off the process and repeat it tomorrow, and the next day so on and so forth.  If we do this, how can we miss the rapture/catching away?

If we are watching and ready for the Lord's return and the tribulation starts that would move us from pre-trib to mid-trib.  If we are watching and ready and the mid-trib passed without His return that would make us "pre-wrath" and if that passed without His return that would make us post-trib.  We do not have to stomp our feet, we do not have to argue until we are blue in the face we just have to do what we were told to do.

We were told to always be watching and ready then we can add to that the expectation of the Lord fulfilling His appointed time to the day and we have more than enough reasons to conduct our own watching and readiness exercise.  During this exercise we will increase our watchfulness and readiness in anticipation and expectation of the Lord's return.  If He does not return this year, we continue to watch and wait.  Notice that nowhere in this process is there a place where we just throw in the towel and say "well I've done enough waiting, I can see the prophetic Words written in the Bible being fulfilled all around me but I'm going to throw in the towel on this whole Jesus thing."  Thats just stupid, and yet there are legions out there arguing this as a point for why we should not be watching and ready at all times.

The plan is to do what we were told to do.  We do not need thousand page doctoral dissertations to argue why we should not do what the Bible clearly says we should do in 4th grade English.

Add to this ^^ what we see going on around us here in the year of our Lord 2023.  What if this watching and readiness exercise "went live" and the Lord does come back this year?  Is this world ready to cascade down the rapids into the 7 years of Jacob's trouble?  Well, the world might not be ready for it but all the chess pieces are set up for it.  There are alot of chess pieces being moved around the board today (by both sides of the fight) in preparation for something.

We do not need rocket science theology to figure this stuff out.  Lets just do what we were told to do and let the rest of the details take care of themselves.  We do not have long to wait to find out what happens.  We have Feast of Trumpets next month, then in April 2024 the X over America forms in the heavens, then the next presidential election in the US takes okace in November 2024.  There have been many suggestions that "they" are planning some kind of "intervention" before the election to prevent an election from happening.  Why knows?  What we do not is the rubber is about to meet the road here on all these events in short order.

So we need to start preparing for the Feast of Trumpets exercise while at the same time praying up to heaven our ever growing list of restraining prayers.  We need to be fully prepared to leave while at the same time being fully prepared to stay and do our job here.  No complex theology needed for any of this.

The Lord our God is very good.  Please get down on your knees today and pray for yourself, your family, all the brothers and sisters and the rest of humanity that we will be spared the evil that the narcissist psychopaths have planned for us.  

Glory to God
grace and peace