Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Problems for the Mid-trib/Pre-wrath/Post-trib Teachers

The Lord has given me more questions that pose huge problems for all the people who teach that somehow the church needs to go through the time of Jacob's trouble for some reason.

Question: What is it that Jesus did not accomplish on the cross that makes it 'necessary' for the last generation church to go through the tribulation? Is the argument that somehow the church needs some kind of "purification" or something else in that line of reasoning in order to be worthy of heaven? If the "other tribbers" argue that the church needs ANYTHING else besides Christ alone to be worthy of heaven then they have huge doctrine problems that basically nullifies large portions of the bible.

To illustrate how absurd the idea is that the church just before the tribulation begins somehow "needs" the tribulation to be ready for heaven, we can ask "what about all the believers who died "in Christ" up to the time of the tribulation? Why is it that they did not "need" to take part in the tribulation to be worthy of heaven but we do? If the church must be in part or all of the tribulation then why is it that the dead "in Christ" rise and go directly into the sky to meet Jesus instead of digging bunkers in the earth to fight off the anti-christ? WHY? The reasoning it takes to "go there" is utterly absurd.

The only reason that the "other tribbers" could possibly stand on that does not put them in danger or heresy by diminishing what was done by Jesus on the cross is "who is going to witness if the church is in heaven?"

I seem to recall 5 unwise virgins who are left behind to ponder their ways in Matt 25, are we to believe that none of them have a change of heart and go "all in" for Jesus even though it will cost them their lives? I seem to recall 144,000 Jews sealed in Rev 7, are they not witnessing to the world? I seem to recall ANGELS flying through the heavens proclaiming the word of God to everyone and anyone who will listen:

Rev 14:6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth--to every nation, tribe, language and people.

I also seem to remember 2 witnesses who the entire world will despise for preaching the gospel non stop for 3.5 years.

Then to put the cherry on top, there are those who actually do repent of their ways and decide to give themselves to Jesus. We see a picture of these people under the alter in Rev 6.

So again, HUGE problems for the people who have decided that for some reason Jesus did not do quite enough for the church on the cross. According to these people, the church needs Jesus AND the tribulation to make it across the threshold for heaven. How utterly and completely absurd.

There are many facts in the bible that are beyond debate. Here are some of them:

An escape from ALL is promised by Jesus to those found worthy of it (luke 21:36)

The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah and Lot and Noah endured ZERO judgement in his day. He went into the ark and "escaped" the flood. The same can be said for Lot, he did not get a single burning ember on his cloak, he escaped ALL of the fire judgement on Sodom and Gormorrah.

There is a promise to be kept from the hour of trial coming on the entire world in Rev 3:10.

There is an open door in Matt 25, Rev 3 and Rev 4 that SOMEBODY is going through, otherwise the Lord is opening and closing doors in heaven for amusement?

There are REDEEMED MEN IN HEAVEN before the seals of Rev 6 are opened, thats a FACT that is most vexing for all the "other tribbers." How do they explain how a group that numbers MUCH MORE than 24 ends up in heaven? The group in heaven is from EVERY NATION, TONGUE, PEOPLE, TRIBE and we know for SURE there are more than "24" people in each of those categories.

Here's another unpleasant fact. Noah and his family were the only ones, the FEW who had the faith to believe the Lord and escape the flood of his day. Lot and his daughters were the only 3, the FEW to escape the fire judgement on Sodom. We see in Jesus speaking with the church of Sardis and he tells them there are a FEW who have not soiled their clothes and are worthy. We see only half of the virgins found ready for the bridegroom when he shows up. These are all FACTS, not open for debate or conjecture..FACTS that stand on their own merit for your consideration.

It does not surprise me in the least that it has become a growing fad these days just before the tribulation for people to attempt to steal other people's escape by shipwrecking their faith in an escape. If God said something (like there is an escape) and you don't believe it, who has the problem, God or YOU?

People rage on and on about the "rapture debate" but I don't think there's a debate about the rapture at all. This debate is about the integrity of God's word, pure and simple. And yes, I take tremendous offense to those who would tell me that God's word does not say what I read it to say in plain language. Our God says there IS an escape from all, either that is true, or God is a liar. I apologize if I get upset when people suggest that our God is a liar...

If people want to convince me that there is no escape from all, then re-write the bible with luke 21:36 out of there, re-write the bible to show Noah swimming his way through the flood into the ark, re-write it to show me Lot with scorch marks all over his body and a narrow miss during his trek out of Sodom, re-write the bible to close the doors in heaven in Rev 3,4 and Matt 25. While people are busy re-writing the bible go ahead and re-write the whole "no wrath for the church" thing and write in somewhere that we will endure "satan's wrath" and some of our God's wrath so somehow we, the last generation will skid into heaven's door with the seat of our pants on fire while ALL THE OTHER GENERATIONS WHO DIED IN CHRIST "just" endured the tribulations normal to this world.

People who argue that somehow the church needs to go through part or all of the tribulation have NO IDEA just how BAD that time is going to be. We who are praying for an escape from all in OBEDIENCE to the Lord's command while under constant attack for naysayers have no reason to tread water (Noah), dodge fire and brimstone (Lot) or endure any of the other judgements coming on this world. If we somehow "needed" something else then Jesus left unfinished business on the cross....now do you really want to argue that?

The fact is, there never has been and never will be ANY OTHER preparation for the tribulations of this world OR the tribulation to come OTHER THAN CHRIST ALONE. Us "in him" and him "in us" PERIOD. We who pray for the escape are living in obedience to our Lord's command, can the "other tribbers" say that? NO, they can't and they won't.....

The people who argue "yea, but if you are praying to escape and it doesn't happen you will abandon your faith once the tribulation starts!" Really? You mean seeing the anti-christ show up, watching the abomination that causes desolation, watching the roaring of the seas and mens hearts failing them in fear, and watching all the other numerous prophetic events unfold like clockwork will be the reasons for me to say to myself "nah, I don't beleive that bible anymore.." How utterly absurd. The people who are most "ready" for the days before, during and after the tribulation are those who are looking to Jesus alone for everything TODAY. He is our protection and provision now, and every day that we walk this planet, tribulation or not.

Last but not least, lets talk about the area of "watching." We are told over and over and over and over again to WATCH. For what, for who? For JESUS, that's who. The "other tribbers" are looking for everything and everyone BUT Jesus today, so what are they going to do when he shows up and they have not been watching for him? I guess we'll find out.

We were told to watch and pray for an escape from all that is 100% guaranteed coming to this world in the days ahead, so I suggest we do what we were told to do and watch and pray, NOW. We were also told to wait patiently for our Lord's return, also known as keeping the "word of his patience" in Rev 3:10. An interesting word from our Lord just after Rev 3:10, speaking of us being "kept" from the hour of trial is this:

Rev 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

Read that over again until it sinks in please. Hold on to what we have? So no one will take our crown? That suggests someone...people..who would attempt to steal/thieve something of importance from us. If we let them take it, it will be gone. "What we have" is something faith based, we take nothing physically with us when we leave this world. From the context of what we read there, we see "being kept" in Rev 3:10 and "don't let them steal it from you" in verse 11. Think about it...really think about it.

grace and peace