Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Eyes on the Solution

 If this is going to work at all its going to work in Christ and through Christ.  The enemy would love to have us fixated on all the evil plans they have for us but that is not what the Spirit of the Lord is counseling.  Here is how it will work, we give our full attention to the Lord God and He will put His full attention on wrecking the enemy.  First things first.

The Lord God must come first in all things:

Mark 12

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 

The formula we derive from the above is God first, mankind second.  If you want to vote thats fine after you have given your full attention to the Lord God.  We took our eyes off the prize and the enemy ran roughshod over this world.  That must stop right now.  There will come a day when the restrainer no longer restrains-then the enemy can have their moment of new world demonic order but that day is not today.

The Spirit indwelling believers and acting with them and through them is what restrains the enemy today.  Yes, we are just jars of clay but the Lord God chose this method of operation.

We know that "they" have plans for us to kill steal and destroy.  The Lord God has other plans:

Jer 29:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

We are in the midst of a spiritual war.  Spirit wars require spiritual weapons.  Trying to fight a spiritual war with the weapons of this war is futile.  All eyes on Christ and the Spirit of God.  When He decides to act, who can stop Him?  Our job is to pray and plead, fast and pray some more that the Lord our God will unleash hell on the enemy's spiritual strongholds, narratives, agendas, false flags, decarbonization attempts and all the rest of the evil they plan to do.  We dont know what all of that is but you can be sure the Lord our God knows it all down to the tiniest detail.  And being all powerful He can lay waste to it all with a disdainful look.

"They" are trying to do their worst.  We must do our best to persuade our King to now only not allow that to happen but to swing that pendulum full tilt the other direction and clean the enemy's clock.  This is all out, total war.  You and I and every other believer on the face of the earth today is here for a reason in this season to do something to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.

There was no accident.  You are a believer and a mountain mover, not a "lay person."  It is time to engage and move mountains as well as doing all the things our Lord did and more:

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Mark 11:23

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

The servant who writes to you is a nobody but has seen many miracles.  This nobody has a testimony and that is the Lord God is alive and working every single day.  This nobody can also testify that the Lord God is speaking to His servants and the message this servant is receiving loud and clear is a far cry from "lay down and allow the enemy to step on your neck."  The message is, if we do our part-He will do His part and the enemy is in for a world of hurt that they cannot even imagine.

Eyes on Christ.  Pray, fast-pursue the best version of yourself because that best version is required to fulfill the full mission that has been set before you to accomplish for the Kingdom.  Pursuing the best version of yourself is another way of saying fully engage all of your talents, skills and abilities.  The time is now.  Lets get after it.

Glory to God

grace and peace