Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Encouragement and Warning

 First some encouragement. 

Brother Cahn put out perhaps one of his best videos yet and it was on his cell phone in a hotel room (the Lord works in mysterious ways :).  Video here.

The Lord impressed this servant with a lot of info this afternoon, Lord willing none of it will be overlooked while trying to recall all of it in this post.

This servant believes the Lord is going to save America, so it is being accepted by this servant as if it already happened according to:

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

The cross-road decision point was and still is real today.  What this means is the outcome of what is about to happen has not been written in stone yet.  The Lord is looking at His people to determine what will happen.  This leads us to all the stuff that has been written here for some time now, but the quick version is:

The Lord expects us to sell out for Him.  That means body, soul, spirit, present, future, past-it all belongs to Him now.  This is what will be required for Him to step in an save America at this time.  That is part one.  Part two has also been written about here but it was reiterated by the Spirit of the Lord so its important to restate it.  There is no going back to the apathetic complacent past.  What is required going forward for the Lord to do what we are asking Him to do is repentance, revival and righteousness.  For us getting down on our knees seeking His face, then when He answers and the clouds part and the sun comes back out from the storm-we stay in this place of repentance, revival and righteousness.  We stay on our knees in prayer.  We continue to push the limits of what we are capable of seeking the best version of ourselves so we can accomplish all that has been set before us at the highest level.

So, we need to understand there is a price for this answer.  We must do what we should have been doing in the first place and stay there instead of kicking our feet up on the desk and declaring "mission accomplished."  That must not happen.  Those who are not willing to do what is necessary (and it will not be easy or a comfortable ride-get comfortable being uncomfortable)-they are playing a dangerous game because this is total war between the enemy and humanity and the Lord expects all hands on deck-that means all of us are expected to respond.

This leads us back to the cross-roads.  The Lord could pull the plug on all this at any time and just start the time of Jacob's trouble in short order.  We are really close but the Lord is willing to give us a season of respite before that happens-at a cost.  The cost is doing what we should have been doing in the first place...

The Lord would have each of us finish the race strong.  Not come limping across the finish line.  Thus we have had the lead up and preparation that has led us to this very day and season.  It has taken years but here we are.  Things could still go either way-we are not out of the woods yet.  That said, if we do our part this servant believes with all his heart the Lord will do His part and punish the enemy one more time before "they" get their one world demonic order.

It is in this servants heart to fight for this one more season.  This nobody believes the Lord has a heart to save America from the current season of darkness so that for us who believe and are on the face of the earth today-we can say "not on our watch."  We got down on our knees, we sought the face of God, we fasted, we prayed, we stood in the gap for the land, we stood together in prayer in agreement to drive the darkness out and turn the lights back on.

The Restrainer which is the Spirit filled true organic Body of Christ which is the true Church not just nominal Christianity-has not finished its work.  We can push the current demonic infestation out of America for the sake of those who believe on the face of the earth today, the Lord is willing to do it-if we cooperate.  It has been said here over and over because the Spirit insists on it:

2 Chron 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The enemy does not get a single vote in this decision ^^^.  We decide.  Yes, the enemy is going to throw a demonic tantrum because they were so close but what the Lord decides will be done, and we His children have His ear.  

The Lord our God is very good.  He has setup the golf ball on the tee and handed us the club now we have to swing it as hard as we can.  The Lord will do the rest.  The Lord has told us everything in advance so their will be no excuses either way in the future depending on what we decide.  This servant believes we are doing what is required and will continue to do so in order for the Lord to extend the timeline one more season.  This will be a time for us to pray in all those around us, family, friends and even those we dont really know but the Lord brings them across our path.

During the time we have left we will work on our "talents" per Matt 25 in order to achieve the mission the Lord God send us to do and do it at the highest level we are capable of.  We will live to please the Lord in every way.  Those who chose to remain apathetic and complacent will reap the reward for it.  For the rest of us its time to get to work.  It is time to up our game to play it at the highest level.

The Lord God is speaking very clearly these days and it is no mistake.  This servant does not have to wonder for even a minute "was that the Lord speaking to me?"  The Lord has made it clear.  Message transmitted, message received loud and clear.  Now it has been shared with you.

The days weeks and months ahead are for all the marbles.  The Lord God in His grace and mercy has included us in the decision making process for when things will take place.  He is looking squarely at us.  Glory to God.

Lets get down on our knees and seek the face of the Lord.  Let us ask Him to have mercy on us and show us favor in our time of need.  Let us ask Him to save us from the tyranny and oppression of the wicked enemy who is to strong for us.  Let us ask Him to take the fight to those who fight against us.  Wage war against those who war against us.  Send out His legions of angels to settle accounts with the demonic horde.  Pray, ask, seek and the Lord will answer.

Matt 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Glory to God

grace and peace