Sunday, August 04, 2024

Another We@pon in Our Arsenal

 In addition to standing together, agreeing with each other in prayer-what is another combat multiplier we can bring to bear against the enemy?  Praying back the Word of God then standing on it.  How can the Lord God resist His own Words?

PS 138:2

I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word

Praying back the promises is as powerful as it gets.  The only thing that makes this more powerful is after we pray the promises then we stand on those promises and receive them by faith:

Heb 6:12

so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

We are in a war.  We are in a battle that we fully intend to win.

What does the Word of the Lord tell us?

PS 9:9

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Oppression and tyranny is what the globalist, satanist ruling class has been inflicting upon humanity for far too long now.  The Lord tells us above, He is a stronghold for the oppressed (us).  What else does He tell us?  

10And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

The Lord is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind.  He sees what is happening, and He hears our prayers.  He will not forsake us who are seeking Him in our time of need.  We need to understand what is happening around us.  Its not political differences of opinion it is total war declared against humanity by satanic globalist narcissist technocrats and their demonic overlords.  This is all out spiritual war for all the marbles.  "They" already tried to geno-cide billions with their bio-wep vax and lab grown virus.  Then they tried to get another country to do their dirty work by attempting to start ww3 with Russia.

Thats two major attempts to "decarbonize" large swaths of humanity and two fails (so far).  The Lord God hears our prayers.  The Lord God is answering.  This servant does not know exactly what is going to happen in the future apart from an overwhelming sense within that the Spirit of the Lord is ready to lay down the hurt stick on everything the enemy has been doing.  This is where we come in.  Even though we humans are frail and weak, in Christ and through Christ we wield a mighty bat.

We must be relentless in prayer.  We must bring every ounce of ourselves, all of our talents, skills and abilities to this fight.  We must get down on our knees and bring to bear every spiritual "tool" in our arsenal against the enemy's spiritual strongholds, agendas, narratives, false flags, de-carbonization attempts, voter fraud, lies, cheating, stealing, etc etc etc.  Enough is enough.  It is time to settle accounts with the enemy (with interest) for all the evil they have done on the earth during our watch.

Yes, there is coming a time and that time might not be too far off when the enemy gets to exercise total tyranny and oppression of the people of the earth but that day is not today.  The restrainer is on this earth to do a job and that job will be done:

2 Thess 2:7

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

This nobody believes the restrainer is the Spirit of the Lord acting in and through the Church which is us the believers in Jesus Christ our Lord.  The enemy is relentless, they continue to wage war against humanity from every angle, 24/7-365.  We too must be relentless.  We are lights in this dark world and light drives out darkness every time-without fail.  It is both a natural and spiritual law.  It is time to turn our lights up from whatever setting they were on to high beam/blinding.

The Spirit of the Lord within this servant is not timid and not weak.  He is bold and He is telling us to "bring it."  Everything we have to give, we must lay it all on the line in this effort.  If the enemy was successful it would mean more death and destruction in this world, theft, poverty, lack, despair, misery, death, destruction and more is what the enemy offers humanity as a future. thanks.

Let us commit to each other that we will do our part.  Let us commit to bringing everything we have to this fight.  Let us bring every tool we have been given to leverage maximum spiritual pressure on the enemy who decided it was a great idea wo wipe us all out.  This includes getting down on our knees to pray, fasting, standing together in agreement in prayer, standing in the gap for the land, praying back the Word/the promises to our Lord then standing on them until we get our answers.  It includes getting into the Word of God to find the promises of God so we can pray them back while at the same time encouraging ourselves in those same Words.

All the wealth and power of our enemies on this earth will not matter when the Lord makes His decision on our behalf.  All of "their" conspiracies, spells and sorceries will not matter when the Lord God Almighty stretches out His hand against them.  If we do our part, the Lord God will do His part.  When the Lord God does His part, the enemies of humanity are going to get paid back with interest for all of the evil they have done on this earth.  So, lets do our part then watch in eager anticipation for the Lord to let loose the dogs of war against the enemy and his servants.  

Glory to God

grace and peace