Friday, August 23, 2024

42 and 74 Days of Encouragement

 4 October is the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah

5 November is the next presidential election.  

April 2024 saw the X over America, cross-roads that signified a decision point for America.  There are different roads laid before us, all of which to the best of this servants understanding are potentials for the days ahead.  What are these roads?

1.  Rapture October Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets-the Lord pulls the plug now, restraint on the enemy is removed, the man of sin shows up and the time of Jacob's trouble begins.

2. Orange Man gets elected-the world breathes a sign of relief however the demonic narcissist psychopaths go into a fit of rage and throw a tantrum similar to the paid for and allowed burning of our cities during orange man's first term in office (but worse cause now they are really mad).

3.  The wicked witch from california is allowed to steal the election again which allows "them" to finish their agenda of destroying America.  This will also be the trigger for WW3 as both Russi@ and Ir@n have both witheld retaliation strikes for the sole purpose of waiting to see what happens with orange man.  OMB Orange Man Bad promised peace so the world holds its breath to see what happens in November.

Possibilities 1 and 3 above could happen back to back-they would fit together hand in glove.  If the servant who writes to you had to make a best guess what is going to happen it would be number 2 above.  Why?

1.  Sensing that enough believers have taken to prayer and fasting serious enough to tilt the scales in our favor in the Lord's eyes.

2.  Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have receivedc it, and it will be yours.

 The servant who writes to you today is standing in faith and belief that orange man will win this election.  If for no other reason than to deny the enemy what they want.  Also, this servant believes OMB is the Lord's tool in this hour to accomplish some things on earth. 

With this said ^^^ even today nothing is a done deal yet.  The Lord is watching us and taking notes.  Our hope, faith and belief are in Him, not on humans in political office.  That statement will be true regardless of which outcome manifests in the days ahead.

We watch for the unepected expected arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds to take His Church out every year.  That is what the feast days are for-so we remember what He said and what He promised.  We are all about to find out what both the Church and the Lord decided in short order.  In any of the cases above, we will need to bring the best version of ourselves to the forefront immediately.  There is no time left for apathy and complacency.  

We must be ready to meet the Lord in the clouds, and ready to fully engage with our best self here on earth.  Our best version of ourselves is required to accomplish our mission and vision for the Kingdom of God.

Each one of us must pray and fast as if the future of this earth rests on our shoulders, because it does.  The Lord God can make short work of the enemy whenever He wants to-His eyes are on us.  What will we do?  What will we decide?

2 Chron 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Ez 22:30

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.

Reason number 3 for option number 2 is Ezekiel 22.  This servant believes we do have someone standing in the gap now, where there wasnt someone before.  This nobody knows that because this nobody is one of those people standing in the gap before the Lord for the land.  Let it be said there were many of us and the land will be spared for a season.

The Lord our God loves you with a love that knows no bounds.  The angels in heaven cheer for us every step we take forward in our calling and election in Christ.  Exciting times.  Keep the faith.

Glory to God

grace and peace