Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Historical Parallels

 The Lord has brought to mind the parallels of fighting Nazis in WW2 and the world fighting Nazis today.  There are literal Nazis fighting today in and for Ukr@ine.  There are pictures all over the internet that show Nazi insignia being worn across the Ukr military.  So what?  Nazis then, and Nazis now.  The battle of the bulge took place the end of 1944 into 1945.  It was a last ditch attempt for the Nazis to salvage a war they were losing.  Today we see the Nazis in Ukr have launched a similar failed last ditch offensive in a war they are losing but in 2024 vs 1944 (80 years).  

The parallel brings us to a hopeful conclusion.  In 1945 the Nazis lost the battle, lost the war and were forced to lay down arms.  We can pray that in 2025 the Nazis will lose the war and be forced to lay down arms.

Why does this matter?  The Nazi ideology is part of the system of tyranny and oppression we are facing across the western world.  Part of that ideology was obsession with race.  Same nazi ideology we see today.  This is all one more piece of the puzzle that we pray will be an end to the narcissistic psychopath globalist satanists running things (at least an end for a season) in 2025.