Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Orange Man Bad

 The Lord God did not send OMB (Orange Man Bad) to be a savior.  He is just a man with a job like you or me.  Those who expect perfection from another human being need to look in the mirror first.  We can see from history that the Lord sent Cyrus the Persian to take down Babylon.  Was Cyrus perfect?  He wasnt even Jewish or a Christian-he was a pagan.  And yet he was used for the purposes of God.

As far as this servant can discern, OMB was sent to be an illumination flare to show humanity just how widespread and deep the rot extends in our society and he was sent to be a wrecking ball to take down some of it.  That was OMBs real job in term 1 and it will be the same in term 2.  We need to put first things first.  We have been warned for years, the time for warning is over.  Now is the time to be servants of the Most High God.  It is time to live the parable of the talents where we push the boundaries of what we are capable of in the direction of the best versions of ourselves.  We do this first because we were told to, second because the world now needs the best versions of us who believe and third because the Lord God has placed before us a choice.

The choice given to us is to roll over and allow the enemy to put their boots on our neck for the rest of our days or we can do what we all know we are supposed to do.  We are not talking about radical ideas here-we are talking about stop the backsliding, end the apathy and complacency, do what the Word of God tells us to do.  Fast, pray, believe and fight the good fight of faith.  Either we do what we are supposed to do or the Lord will allow and in many places participate in rolling us up and cashing us out of this world.

Amos 4

6“I gave you empty stomachs in every city

and lack of bread in every town,

yet you have not returned to me,”

declares the Lord.

7“I also withheld rain from you

when the harvest was still three months away.

I sent rain on one town,

but withheld it from another.

One field had rain;

another had none and dried up.

8People staggered from town to town for water

but did not get enough to drink,

yet you have not returned to me,”

declares the Lord.

9“Many times I struck your gardens and vineyards,

destroying them with blight and mildew.

Locusts devoured your fig and olive trees,

yet you have not returned to me,”

declares the Lord.

10“I sent plagues among you

as I did to Egypt.

I killed your young men with the sword,

along with your captured horses.

I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps,

yet you have not returned to me,”

declares the Lord.

11“I overthrew some of you

as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

You were like a burning stick snatched from the fire,

yet you have not returned to me,”

declares the Lord.

12“Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel,

and because I will do this to you, Israel,

prepare to meet your God.”

13He who forms the mountains,

who creates the wind,

and who reveals his thoughts to mankind,

who turns dawn to darkness,

and treads on the heights of the earth—

the Lord God Almighty is his name.

If you want to know how America fell faster than any of us could imagine it is because not only did the Lord allow it-He participated in some of the destruction.  Anyone who does not believe this re-read Amos 4 above.  Now that we have been brought to the brink of destruction we have been given a choice.  The fact that the Lord has given us this choice is in itself tremendous grace and mercy.

For whatever reason, the Lord God is extending His hand to us once again.  For whatever reason, the Lord God is offering us another season in the sun before the worst of the demonic days of darkness descend on this world (the time of Jacob's trouble).  The Lord is watching and noting our response.  Some of us are not okay with rolling over to allow the demonic world order narcissistic psychopaths to stand on our necks for the rest of our days.  Make no mistake the choice is clear-the enemy is offering humanity death and or enslavement and the Lord God is offering life and peace for a season.  We all know how the book of Revelation ends but there is an interlude possible here that this servant did not see coming.

At a minimum, in this dark hour we will be able to say we stood in faith and belief against the filth and wickedness of our age.  This servant is asking the Lord to deliver us for a season so the enemy will not rejoice over our destruction.  Not on our watch.  Get down on your knees in prayer and fast as often as you can over the next 39 or so days.  Between now and election day is just phase 1.  Phase two will require more fasting and praying.  The days ahead will require us to be the best versions of ourselves to fulfill our Divine mission for the Kingdom of the Most High God.  Excellence in performing our mission will require the best version of ourselves.  

The Lord has spoken enough about what is coming and what is needed that more info about the future is almost irrelevant.  Why?  Getting ourselves and keeping ourselves in a place of growth and exercising the fullness of our talents skills and abilities will be a full time job.  The prayer and fasting alone can occupy all the time we have remaining on the face of this earth.  One thing we know, the days ahead will not be boring.  The middle ground for everything is quickly disappearing.  We choose either excellence and effort or dissipation and destruction.

The time for apathy, complacency and mediocrity is over.  We have entered an all or nothing game.  The Lord expects excellence and we must deliver.  There really is no other option.  If you need motivation to do your job just look at what the enemy has planned for you and that should be all the motivation you need to do your job.  This servant looks forward to the day the enemy begins to reap what they have sown (with interest).  This servant looks forward to accounts being settled with the demonic pervert narcissistic psychopaths.  There are alot of ways you can get motivated to do your job-pick one.  Humanity needs

This servant is standing with you in agreement in prayer that we will receive all that we are asking for:

Matt 21:22

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Glory to God

grace and peace