Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Bringing Spiritual Power to Bear on the Enemy


The Spirit of the Lord added to the list below (see #9):

1.  Prayer

2. Fasting

3. Standing together in prayer (Matt 18:19)

4. Standing in the gap for the land (EZ 22:30)

5.  Praying the Word/the Promises back to the Lord 

6.  Standing on the promises, receiving and believing daily for what we are asking for.

7.  Understanding who we are in Christ.  This one needs a bit more elaboration.  Since the enemy has declared war on us, we must have all hands on deck.  That means every believers with even a mustard seed sized faith is being called to stand and fight in this time of human trial.

8.  Put on the full armor of God (Eph6:11)

9.  Binding and Loosing:

Matt 16:19

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

This one right here ^^^ can bring some serious pain to bear on the enemy.  As a reminder of why we would want to bring spiritual power to bear against the enemy:  they are trying to kill us and/or enslave us.  They already made one genocidal attempt to "decarbonize" humanity with the scamdemic.  Their plan B was/is to start WW3 so they can blame they carnage on someone else, anyone else but the ones who are actively trying to instigate it.

We are an active part of the restrainer, that holds back the spirit of anti-Christ from manifesting on this earth.  Restrain is akin to binding (see Matt 16:19).  How to we employ this spiritual "tool" of Matt 16:19.  First we stand in agreement with each other.  Second we bind all the wicked agendas, narratives, false flags, "decarbonizing" (humans live in carbon based wetsuits...), and all the other plans of the enemy.  We bind every wicked evil spirit planning or engaging in attacks on Don@ld Trump.  We loose the angels of God to wage war on those who wage war upon us, our families, our friends, our communities and humanity in general.

As you can imagine from this short tidbit above, when we stand together in prayer agreeing on what we are asking for and we employ the "tools" we have been given-the enemy is going to suffer for it.  "They" should have thought twice before they unleashed total war on humanity.  

This also brings us back to the idea of the doctrine of demons nicolaitanism that teaches us there are clergy and "lay people" in the Kingdom of Heaven.  As you can see from just the list of 9 items above, most of it the "pastors" and priests arent doing and they are supposed to be the experts... The Spirit of the Lord is speaking and He says its time for the mass of humanity that believes to take of the self imposed shackles that have just been accepted for generations and step into the fullness of what it means to be a child of the Most High God.

Why is the Spirit telling us all this now?  Because now is our hour of need.  We asked, He is responding.  We have 89 days left of phase 1 of evicting the demonic den of vipers from America.  This is a national deliverance and we can expect to see the demons spaz out as power is brought to bear against them.  Keep your eyes on Christ.  Stay the course.  None of us asked for this fight, the enemy brought it to our front door.  "They" started it, but we are going to finish it and they wont be happy with how it turns out :)

Glory to God

grace and peace