Sunday, August 25, 2024

40 and 72 Days of Encouragement

 40 days until Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah 2024

72 days until election 2024

What is the Spirit of the Lord saying to the Church today?  1.  Encourage the saints, and 2. Keep your eyes on Christ-(the answer, solution to all the problems).

What count down days to the election if elections dont matter?  What matters is the Spirit of the Lord and what He tells us to do.  In this case, this servant is asking to be delivered from the tyranny and oppression of the wicked that is occurring through their bought and paid for corrupt politicians, ie now the wicked witch of California.  The Lord has many ways of dealing with such things and voting is only one of them but lets be very clear on this-voting is 100% useless as an act in and of itself as the previous (s)election proved as "they" stole it right in front of the world's face and nobody lifted a finger to stop them.

What is different this time is seeking the Lord, preparation through prayer and fasting.  This time we know what they want to do and we are praying binding and restraint all over it.  We are also asking the Lord God to save us from these wicked psychopaths.  We are also going after the root of the problem which is this:

Eph 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

To "do something" about the wicked politicians without first doing something about what supports them (enemy spiritual strongholds) is wasting alot of time.  Go after the spiritual root and the physical growth from that root will wither and die.  

More on this idea of why bother with the election this time?  Because the competitive nature of the servant who writes to you wants to see the enemy lose.  This nobody wants to see accounts settled with interest for all the wickedness that has been done.  This servant wants to see the smug laughter and smiles wiped from their faces.  There is nothing funny about death and destruction which is what "they" have brought to the world in addition to their thefts, lies, frauds etc etc.

It would be great to see some justice done.  There comes a time when what was sown must be reaped and wouldnt it be great if that season was now.  They have sown wickedness of every kind and now its time to reap the whirlwind.

The time for identifying the problems has long gone.  We are in the solutions phase now.  Those who are still wallowing in the problems have been left behind.  The Lord God is doing a new thing and that new thing requires us to stay focused on the solution and the solution is Him...He will deal with the corrupt spiritual strongholds that supply and support the rotten politicians.

2 Cor 10:4

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

The enemy decided to wage total war on humanity.  Their mistake was doing so while the Church is still on this earth.  The Church of Christ is the Body of Christ which is fully equipped with every spiritual "tool" it needs to deal with all the wickedness of the enemy.  In fact you have been reading of a laundry list of tools we have at our disposal and every single one of those tools is being brought out of the tool shed to be employed against our enemies.  All of them...Thats what total war looks like.  "They" thought we would roll over this time the way humanity rolled over after the 2020 steal.  They misjudged and miscalculated this time...

"They" will have a much easier time of things when the Church is not on the face of the earth but that day is not today.  The Spirit of the Lord is proceeding with boldness to answer the prayers of the saints and that is very very bad news for the enemy and their human servants.

Keep the faith.  Keep your eyes on the prize which is our hope and faith that the Lord God will deliver a stunning victory to us who believe which corresponds with a devastating loss for the satanic narcissistic psychopaths.  It is time to fully engage in this battle of the ages.  The Lord God is calling us to be/become the very highest and best version of ourselves to engage in our Kingdom vision and mission.  This world needs the best version of us to deal with what it is facing in the days ahead.

We are to bring the best version of ourselves and the Lord will correspondingly bring His best which again, spells serious trouble for the enemy.  It will be a glorious day when that cackling hyena has the laughing and smug smiling erased by the resignation of defeat.  Nobody deserves defeat more.

Eyes on Christ.  Our hope is in Him, He is our spiritual stronghold so when it comes to spiritual war-"they" get seriously outclassed.

1 John 4:4

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

We will overcome them, because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.  Glory to God!

grace and peace