Monday, August 12, 2024

84 Days of Good News

 For the next 84 days let us commit to fasting as much as possible the lies, frauds and other fabrications of the enemy's propaganda/demoralization machine.  What costs them billions of dollars to produce, we can dismantle for free with a single finger: turn it off.

The enemy has a multi-pronged attack plan in place against humanity.  One of those attack vectors is demoralization.  Why so interested in demoralizing us?  A demoralized enemy is less willing to expend energy in the fight.  A demoralized enemy is also less willing to pray and do all the other things necessary to win.

The Spirit of the Lord has indicated to this servant that in this fight He wants:  1. All hands on deck.  That means everybody that has even a mustard see sized faith within them is to boldly move forward in prayer and fasting in this effort against the enemy.

Matt 17:20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

All hands on deck also means we are relying zero percent on the "pastors," priests, rabbis and other so called "spiritual experts" as they are the ones who sold humanity down the river to the point where we are all staring over a cliff at the abyss.  No more Nicolaitan doctrine.  No more "lay people."  Everyone is to engage.

2.  So everyone who believes is to engage which leads us to point 2 which is how we do it.  He is calling for His people to rise up to the highest and best levels/versions of themselves.  We need to identify in our hearts, minds and spirits what the best version of ourselves looks like and strive toward it daily.  This is a fight to the death, all or nothing.

3.  This is bigger than Trump.  Trump is just one piece on the chess board.  We have a commanding General who is all knowing and all powerful.  We are putting all of our marbles in his jar to deploy as He sees fit trusting that He knows better than we do how to fight this fight.  All eyes on Christ before during and after the election.  This effort we are engaging in goes beyond the election regardless of who wins....This is only phase 1 so dig in and prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for the long game because that is what we have been prepared for up to this point.

Speaking of the long game, the real grinding of this game has been ongoing for a little over 4 years now-kind of starting with the scamdemic.  It is this servants understanding at the moment that the fight goes on into the foreseeable future with some caveats.  We are believing that Trump is the Lord's man for this hour and according to Mark 11:24 we are speaking it and believing it carrying into existence from the unseen to the seen the results we are praying for.

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

So, in this servant's mind and spirit Trump has already won the election but that does not negate all of the ongoing efforts that need to take place to bring this unseen reality to the physical world.  We are laboring in faith, standing in hope and love for what we are asking for.  

and this ^^^ is why we are turning the garbage propaganda demoralization machine OFF.  If it does not feed our faith hope and love for what we are believing for-we are turning it off.  It doesnt matter what kind of demonic "look look look see see see" garbage they trot out for us-we have our eyes on the prize...

Keep your eyes on the prize.  Stay focused on the solution and only feed faith hope and love.

1 Cor 13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

We are going to win this fight guys...keep the faith.

Glory to God

grace and peace