Thursday, August 08, 2024

The Enemy False Flag Plan

 What they want to do is max provocation of Ir@n and Russi@ to get them to bite as a pretext for wider war which will be used to commit mass fraud in the election ala 2020 and the scamdemic.  If they cannot get Ir@n or Russi@ to bite, they plan to create a f@lse fl@g on our own troops and blame it on Ir@n/Russi@ and go to war anyway.

We need to pray restraint over all the agendas, narratives, plans, false flags and all the other lieing cheating stealing murdering and defrauding they plan to do.  We stand together in prayer and bind all the plans of the enemy to wage war on humanity specifically in the ways listed above.  We bind and rebuke the enemy in Jesus name according to the Word of the Most High God which states:

Matt 16:19

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

According to the Word of the Most High cited above we bind and restrict the enemy from committing any provocation leading to more war or false flag attacks leading to the same.  Lord God Almighty we plead with you in Jesus name, standing in agreement with each other that you will prohibit the enemy from taking these actions that will cause more tyranny and oppression upon your people.  For the sake of those who bow the knee to you, who worship you and glorify you, we ask you to not allow the enemy to lie cheat and steal their way into another fraudulent election.

We dedicate our fasting between now and the election to peace.  We ask you to force our enemies to live at peace with us as you promised:

Prov 16:7

When man’s ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Have mercy on us Lord in our time of need.  We receive your grace and mercy now according to our faith and Your promise.  In Jesus name we pray-AMEN

Glory to God

grace and peace