Wednesday, August 21, 2024

76 Days of Good News

 Information warfare is the highest form of warfare.  The enemy knows this, now you know this.  There is a reason "they" spend billions of dollars each year to wage a war of demoralization on America and the rest of the world.  The really really good news is the assymetric response to this is simple-turn it off.  We are in a season where the enemy has sold out to destroy humanity.  "They" have called their alarm signal to get all of the their human assets, wealth and power to bring it to bear against us.  "They" want their demonic world order and they want it now...

Unfortunately for them, they dont get to choose when that is going to happen.  They have this big problem sitting front and center blocking their path and that problem is the Spirit of the Lord working through the Church which is the organic living body of Christ not some man made dead organization:

2 Thess 2:7

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.

As long as this restraining power is working on the earth, "they" do not get to manifest their demonic superman (anti-Christ) therefore they do not get their demonic world order.  This leads us to our next point, that is we are part of this restraint upon the enemy.  The Lord does not have to work through His Church, He chooses to work through His Church.  The end result is to push the enemy back, to bind them, to restrain them.

This leads us to the good news of the day.  We have been given many tools to engage our enemy in this total war they have declared on humanity.  Prayer is one, fasting is another, standing in agreement with each other is yet another.  But when it comes to restraining the enemy-we have been given a specific tool which is presented to us here:

Matt 16:19

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Binding is restraining...

So we can engage our combat multiplier by standing in agreement with each other in prayer and bind all the activities of the enemy relating to voter fraud, lieing, cheating, stealing elections, we bind every narrative, plan and agenda of the enemy that is being used to wage war upon humanity, we bind every false flag attempt, plan, etc being used to wage war against humanity.  We bind every attempt of the enemy to "decarbonize" the orange man.  We loose the angels who serve our Father Yaweh Jehovah and our Lord Jesus Christ to wage total war on the enemies who attack us our families, the brothers and sisters in Christ and the rest of humanity day and night.

You see how this works ^^^.

All of the tools that have been made available to us but laid dormant while the demonic horde has run roughshod over humanity, those tools are being brought out of the toolshed and put to work.  The enemy has declared total war on humanity and the Lord God in response to our prayers has brought to our attention all of the tools at our disposal to fight that war and win it.  "They" assumed because they pushed so far with little to no opposition, they could push all the way and finish us off.  They thought wrong...

This is a spiritual war that requires spiritual "tools."  We have been given those tools and we must put them to work each and every day with relentless perseverance.  The enemy is not taking days off, they are trying to kill, steal and destroy everything and everyone except the few they want to reserve as their slaves.  Uhhh, no thanks...

We, each of us must get down on our knees and pray as if the fate of the world rests on our shoulders-because it does.  The Lord has called every one of us to engage in this dark season to swing the tide of the battle in our favor.

There is an information war being waged to demoralize us and get us to abandon that hope baby we are all carrying inside of us.   Our hope is in the Lord our God.  There is an army of doom mongers out there-many of whom present themselves as the "good guys" who tell us to abandon all hope-we have crossed the point of no return, dont bother just stick a fork in America.  Really?  This servant has not heard that from the Lord God and we speak every day...

What this nobody is hearing from the Lord God is we engage with relentless perseverance day in and day out until the job is done.  The enemy is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at us and we are to return the favor to settle accounts with interest.  "They" were not expecting to get this kind of resistance.  We did not start this war, we did not want this war but they forced it on us so now its game on.  We will not stop, we will not quit until the job is done.

Let us do all that is required to tilt the scales in our favor.  Encourage yourself in the Lord daily.  Fight the good fight of faith because if we do not stand in our faith now we will not stand at all:

Isa 7:9

The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is only Remaliah’s son. If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.’”

The Lord our God is very good.  Keep your eyes on Christ, keep the faith.  This servant believes with every fiber of his being that the enemy is going to lose this battle and we already know they lose the war.

Glory to God

grace and peace