Tuesday, August 27, 2024

38 and 70 days of Encouragement: A Gem From Brother Cahn

 The Lord gave brother Cahn another Gem, video here.

This one was a doozy because while watching it, the Lord spoke to this servants spirit with the following:

1.  By the same margin orange man was saved by .25 inches or so, so America will be saved if we continue all hands on deck in repentance, revival and righteousness

2.  As we settle into our approach of the target in time "we have been cleared in hot on the target, we@pons free"  What does that mean?  It means brother D for the first time in decades has been cleared to register to vote.  It means every available legal means to us which includes all of the spiritual "tools" and in this case even voting is to be employed.  It means all hands on deck, every believing soul to be engaged with every tool at our disposal.

3.  If we keep our hand to the plow we are going to win this battle.  The enemy is going to make alot of noise and do alot of gyrating just like a demon coming out of a person but the demon is coming out...

4.  Keep our eyes on Christ, He is the answer.  He is the solution.  The rest of this stuff is physical manifestation of the Lord God stretching out His hand against the enemy.  If we put first things first (Him), He will take care of all the other things:

Matt 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

5,  He expects all hands on deck, with 100% engagement.  That means all of us-the best of ourselves to be engaged and stay engaged.  He is meeting us where the rubber meets the road which means the grace we need to be given at the exact moments we need it-not before.  Keep our eyes on Christ, stay fully engaged and watch what happens...Glory to God!

The nobody who writes to you today was very very encouraged by all of this ^^^.  We've got this guys-stay with it.  Glory to God.

grace and peace