Thursday, August 29, 2024

36 and 68 Days of Good News

 36 Days till Feast of Trumpets 2024

68 Days until election day 2024

The good news today is we are applying unrelenting prayer pressure on the enemy until we win.  This is total war.  "They" decided it would be a great idea to kill most of us, enslave and impoverish those who are left.  Uh, no thanks.  We did not want this war, we did not ask for this war but "they" brought it to our front door so here we are fully engaged.  Now that they have begun this total war upon humanity, we are here to finish it.

The good news is we have a commanding General who knows how to fight.  He knows every play in the enemy playbook and has a counter for everything they do.  Our General counsels us today to maintain unrelenting prayer pressure on the enemy.  "They" attack us day and night through every avenue imaginable, we return the favor-and pay it back with interest.

The good news about unrelenting prayer pressure on the enemy is it starts to break and fracture the structure and foundations of everything the enemy is trying to do to us.  Then while their foundation is crumbling, events begin to pile on because what used to be their strengths and assets turns to become a weakness and liability.  For example:

Matt 5:

43“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet only your brothers,i what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

This isnt just fine sounding Christian doctrine-its a weapon...How so?  What happens when in the process of loving and praying for our enemies-they start to flip/turn on their former masters?  Then, "they" becomes "we" and "we" begin to clean their clock with the very weapons they used against us.  Some of their best former foot soldiers become their biggest problems.

PS 9

15The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;
in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught.
16The Lord has made himself known; he has executed judgment;
the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. Higgaion.d Selah

This is one of the Lord's signature judgements, they are slain with the work of their own hands-quite poetic don't you think?  Our job is to be unrelenting, persevering, determined and patient until the job is done.  We are looking for a rout of the enemy here not just a minor set back.  They tried to commit genocide with their scamdemic, then they tried to get us all killed with WW3 which they are still trying to start but the Spirit of the Lord and the Church which together form the restrainer-stands in their way.

We are here in this season for a reason-to do our job.  Our job is to among other things-employ our talents, skills and abilities in full measure for the Kingdom.  Our job is to be salt and light in this world.  Salt preserves and light drives out darkness.  Our job is to bring souls into the Kingdom.  And the list goes on but you get the point.  This very season is what the Lord has been preparing us for-for years.  It is a battle of the ages and one the Spirit of the Lord would have us win.  The caveat us, we have to participate.  Not because the Lord "needs" us to but because He wants us to.  It is His will and pleasure that we actively participate in many things He does or wants to do in this world (because He loves us <3).

More good news today is our prayers are working.  Effective evangelism and repentance/revival are breaking out around the country and the enemy is beginning to panic.  We are just getting started.  We must "bring it" until we finish it.  Pray, fast and do whatever else the Spirit of the Lord impresses you to do.  Cracks are starting to show in the enemy's armor so we need to press our foot down on the gas pedal.  We are looking to rout the enemy, not just set them back.  Keep up the unrelenting pressure and thank you for being you <3.

The Lord loves us-keep the faith.

Glory to God

grace and peace