Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Total W@r

 They enemy has declared total war on humanity.  They do not hide their intentions or their plans.  They intend to "decarbonize" the majority of humanity and enslave what is left.  Simple plan and they are working toward implementing that plan every day.

In a time when the enemy is leveraging all their power to decarbonize and enslave humanity, we must be engaged in active resistance.  Why?  Well for one, the alternative is quite unpleasant and two the Spirit of the Lord has impressed this servant with His willingness to fully engage in this fight on our behalf.  There is zero indication that the Lord would have us roll over and play dead while the enemy runs roughshod over us.  He does not want it and He does not like it.  

So, how do we as believers withstand in the evil day?  What "tools" have we been given?

1.  Prayer

2. Fasting

3. Standing together in prayer (Matt 18:19)

4. Standing in the gap for the land (EZ 22:30)

5.  Praying the Word/the Promises back to the Lord 

6.  Standing on the promises, receiving and believing daily for what we are asking for.

7.  Understanding who we are in Christ.  This one needs a bit more elaboration.  Since the enemy has declared war on us, we must have all hands on deck.  That means every believers with even a mustard seed sized faith is being called to stand and fight in this time of human trial.

8.  Put on the full armor of God (Eph6:11)

Matt 17:20

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

In this season of total war the Lord God would have us break our chains of enslavement to the doctrine of demons Nicolaitanism.  Nico means conquer, -laitan is the "laity" or "laypeople" that todays churchianity calls the non spiritual "expert" class.  Nevermind the fact that this so called spiritual "expert" class has sold humanity to the highest bidder and brought the earth to the brink of ruin.  The enemy has thoroughly enjoyed the exploitation of this doctrine of demons because the result is a disempowered, weak, apathetic and complacent Church.  What's not to love (if you are the enemy)?  Attending the vast majority of Babylonian churchianity's "services" is about as exciting as watching paint dry or a trip to the dentist or maybe an insurance seminar.  No presence of the Lord means no power of the Lord which means you have a dead lifeless organization.  Again, perfect (if you are the enemy).

The Lord God would have us break those shackles.  There are no, zero "lay people" in the Kingdom of God...ZERO.

John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

The key words up there ^^^ that completely destroy the doctrine of demons nicolaitanism is "whoever believes."  You mean people who are not pastors or priests or rabbis or whatever can do greater things that Jesus did while He was on the earth?  Thats what it says and thats what it means.  Take the shackles off...

This is how we prosecute a war against a spiritual enemy who is trying day and night to exterminate and enslave humanity.  Take the shackles off...

Here it is again said in a different way:

Mark 11:23

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

Key word here ^^^ is "anyone."  Not a pastor, not a priest, not a rabbi nor any other form of hired hand spiritual "expert."  It says "anyone."  That is you and that is me and every other believer with an ounce of faith within them.

The "ordinary" believer in Christ moves mountains, changes water into wine and raises the dead, heals the sick etc.  And greater things they will do because our Lord Jesus is now with the Father.  It is time for believing humanity to take the shackles off and time to set the captives free.  With an army of believers who knows who and what they are in Christ, taking the fight to the enemy-the enemy is FINISHED.  Over, done, baked, smoked and hung out to dry.

The Spirit of the Lord has called every last believer with any amount of faith down to the size of a mustard seed to stand up and get to work in this war.  We stand up by first getting down on our knees to pray.  We move mountains first in the unseen world (spiritual) then in the seen world (physical).  

We have 89 days left before Nov 4.  The enemy plans to false flag their way into another stolen (s)election.  We must get down on our knees and fast and pray restraint over all the agendas, narratives, plans, false flags, decarbonization agendas and every other activity of the enemy.  The Spirit filled Church is the Restrainer that holds back the anti-Christ.  We are salt and light in this world.  Salt prevents rot and light drives out darkness:

Matt 5:

13“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The next 89 days is phase one of our spiritual battle.  We are being called to employ all the we@pons of our w@rfare during this time (see list above 1-8).  We must seek the face of our God in our time of need.  We must pray for mercy that the Lord God will remove the hand of oppression and tyranny from us for the sake of those who believe and are on the face of the earth today.

We have been called for the past few years to up our game in every area of our life.  Why has the Lord had us developing our talents, skills and abilities to pushing the boundaries of what the best version of ourself looks like?  For this time and this season.  We have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.  We need to get strong and stay strong.  We must bring our "A game" to this fight because its for all the marbles.

As said above, Nov 4 is only phase one of this fight.  Phase two comes immediately after.  The Lord God has given this nobody zero indication of what is going to happen on Nov 4.  What He has done however is strongly impress this servant with everything you have read above.  He has also given us some hints, like for example it would have been easy for the Lord to allow "them" to decarbonize Orange Man Bad last month.  But instead we saw Divine intervention.  This servant believes that was a down payment on whats coming next.

It is time for every believer to engage.  We must have all hands on deck.  Every believer with an ounce of faith can move mountains and put a serious hurt on the enemy.  When we pray and fast together "they" dont stand a chance.  The Spirit of the Lord is transmitting loud and clear these days.  The Lord nevcr intended for us to come limping into the Kingdom of Heaven with our heads hung low saying "we barely made it."  If the enemy wants to bring it, the Spirit of the Lord says "game on."

If we do our part, the Lord will do His part and the enemy is going to lament the day they started this war against us...

Glory to God

grace and peace