Friday, August 09, 2024

87 Days of Good News

 In addition to bringing to bear all of the spiritual "tools" we have been given against the enemy, a doctrine of total war (which is what "they" have declared on humanity) necessitates us to diminish/mitigate the damage that the enemy's "tools" do to us.  One of the primary tools the enemy has used to wage war on humanity is "programming" and/or/also known as their media machine.  That is television/movies and every other mainstream product of the media.

Great news.  The enemy spends untold billions to weaponize media products against humanity and our mitigation strategy is free:  turn it off.  Over the next 87 days, the servant who writes to you believes we are to turn it all off and focus on the good news/the Word/and anything else besides their propaganda weaponized mental poison.

We are carrying a spiritual baby called hope.  The enemy would love for us to abort it but that is not going to happen.  Let us spend our remaining 87 days of phase 1 of this war in mental, spiritual and physical preparation to win against our adversary.  Let us feed our mind and spirit hope and good news over this time and encourage others to do the same.

Get in the Word and spend time with the Spirit of the Lord.  Use the remaining 87 days to read paper books again.  Disempower the enemy's weapons and empower your own.  Pray, fast and only accept in your eyes, ears and spirit that which edifies you and builds up your faith.  Everything else must go (for now).

The enemy would have us staring at the problems all day.  The Lord God counsels us to gaze upon the solution all day.  We get to choose.  Turn the garbage off, feed yourself faith and positivity.  The Spirit of the Lord keeps this information coming which indicates to this servant that He is fully invested in us who believe winning this fight.  We do our part, He does His part.  We must wake up each day and re-engage with the same or growing fervor than we did the day before.

The enemy has woken a sleeping giant, this servant almost feels sorry for them...(not).

1 Tim 6:12

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Hope is a dangerous thing in the hands of a believer (dangerous to the doctrines and weapons of demons and devils).  They want us demoralized and mentally/spiritually defeated.  Unfortunately for them we are headed in the exact opposite direction 💓

Glory to God

grace and peace