Tuesday, October 03, 2023


 It has been written here extensively that we are dealing with Nazis all across the west.  The Nazis have a modus operandi which is to burn everything down when they dont get their way.  We saw this with the leftist storm troopers who burned our cities when Trump was in office because they couldn't have their feet on the throat of humanity.  Now we have approximately one year before the next presidential election which they are worried about for some reason.

There is an "X" formed over America in April 2024

The enemy has allowed Chinese troops to stream unfettered across our border for months now, Lord only knows where they are across America:

Today this article was appropriate.  You dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure out "they" are going to do what Nazis do, at least try to...That's where a praying believing Church steps in.  "They" would love for us all to rollover and accept their narcissistic psycopath totalitarianism but thats not going to happen.  The Spirit of the Lord is well alive and working day in and day out on this earth.  The Church is the vessel through which the Spirit of the Lord is currently restraining the enemy from instituting their one world demonic order.

This is primarily a spiritual war.  What we see around us are the physical side effects of that war.  If we want to get results that matter we need to engage with "tools" that matter and those tools are spiritual.  We who believe have been given everything we need to do what we were put here to do.  Spiritual tools for a spiritual war are effective.  We must get down on our knees and pray like we have never prayed before.  We dont take days off and we dont approach this task lazy and complacent like in the past.  Everything is on the line now.  "They" are bringing everything and everyone they have on a daily basis to wreck humanity as a middle finger to heaven because "they" have no way to attack our Lord directly.

If you were wondering what you were put on earth to do, now you know.  Get down on your knees and pray for yourself, you family, all the brothers and sisters, your friends and the rest of humanity that is stumbling around clueless while the enemy sharpens their swords.  This is as serious as it gets and its coming to a head in the days, weeks and months ahead.  This is not our childrens problem its our problem.  No more wishing it all away, its time to pray.  If we are faithful and patient we will see the Lord act in tremendous ways.  Keep the faith, be faithful, patient and courageous and watch what the Lord God will do for an obedient praying people...

Glory to God

grace and peace