Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Born To Be a Blessing

 Each one of us who believe was born to be a blessing to the world.  Each one of us is supposed to be like our Lord Jesus Christ who is the answer to every problem.  He is light so we are light in a dark and wicked world.  Just before the scamdemic hit the Lord impressed this servant with the parable of the talents (Matt 25) and how each one of us must develop our talents, skills and abilities for the Kingdom of the Most High God.  What is our job?  To use our talents, skills and abilities to do the work we were put here to do, which is to walk and talk with our Lord and by extension to be a blessing in a world full of darkness, death and decay.

In short, each one of us is supposed to be a mini package of the answers this world needs.  The answer to everything is more Jesus Christ in each and every life.  The presence and power of the Spirit of the Lord which is also the presence and power of the Lord Jesus Christ is all anyone needs at any time.  So, we must be who we were called to be.  We must sharpen and develop what has been deposited within us to do our job the best possible way because others (whether we or they know it or not) depend on us.

Each one of us are ambassadors of our Lord and His Kingdom.  We dont have to frontally assault people with our Lord or His Kingdom.  If we do what we are supposed to do spending time with Him daily there will be something about us others cant quite put their finger on but it is special.  That special "thing" is the Spirit of the Lord living inside us.  That special thing is supposed to get people to look up and seek their answers through a relationship with the Lord our God.  

The answers and the changes this world needs are found in Christ and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ lives in us.  We must do our best to represent our Master and His Kingdom.  We were put here so that our presence in the circles we travel in will be a blessing causing those around us to seek their Creator.  

So, we must do our job.  We must be the best version of ourselves we can be to represent our God who is very great.  If we do our job, the Lord will do His guaranteed.  Only the Lord knows how much time each one of us has left here so let us seize the day to do what we were placed here on earth to do.  It starts with prayer and obedience, we have alot of work to do.

Sorry if this post seems rambling and disjointed- this servants head is foggy today but this post had to be put up today perfect or not so here it is. :)

The Lord our God is very great.  Glory to God

grace and peace