We know they stole it. They know they stole it. This is old news but it has to be shouted from every rooftop. We need to be down on our knees daily praying that the Lord God Almighty will intervene on our behalf to stop any further steals. We need to pray for an end to electronic voting machines, mail in ballot fraud, dead people voting, counting the same ballot a zillion times and all the other million ways they stole the last (s)election.
We must pray about all things at all times (we have alot of praying to do). The Lord is not deaf and He is not blind. If we pray and stand together on what we are praying about, the enemies of humanity will be in serious trouble. This year of 2024, every day counts so dont miss a day to seek the face of our Creator to ask for His loving kindness, tender mercy and grace in our time of need.
The Lord God is very good. Glory to God.
grace and peace.