Friday, January 05, 2024

X Over America Part 2 Addendum

 The cover story "they" gave us for the event at the mall in Miami was "unruly teenagers with sticks" which necessitated 100 squad cars, cutting power to the mall and surrounding areas as well as multiple helicopters....Yea, right, dont think so, try harder....

What does make alot more sense is this video (profanity in there) so if you dont want to watch it basically the guys says predator like creatures that appeared and disappeared were chasing people through the mall.  That makes alot more sense based on the police response to the incident.  

In order for this ^^ kind of thing to happen, the Restraint must be getting fairly thin around the edges.

2 Thess 2

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.

The truth is stranger than fiction.  When demons and fallen angels are allowed to do their thing in full view of mankind they will be worshipped as gods just like it happened in ancient Egypt and Babylon and every other ancient culture that built megalithic structured that we still cant reconstruct today (or would have real problems trying-like the pyramids in Egypt).

The Lord has warned us beforehand, we need to be ready for whatever...Also, if the Restrainer is being removed that means anti-Christ is not far behind which means we need to be on high alert to meet the Lord in the clouds.  We dont need to debate timing, the Word says be watching and ready every day-case closed.  You cant miss the escape if you are ready for it every day.

Events are coming hot and fast now, we need to be on our knees and prayed up.

Glory to God

grace and peace