Sunday, January 30, 2011

Timing Matters

Our understanding of "when" things will occur in the book of Revelation is important if we want to make sense out of what the Lord has written. This writer would choose sense over non-sense any day of the week.

One example of where timing matters is here:

Luke 17:26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

Just as it was in the days of Noah...that is what the Lord said. So lets take this and see if we can determine what is sense, and what is non-sense regading the rapture/escape from all. Which statement makes sense and which statements are non-sense:

In the days of Noah, Noah entered the ark before the flood (pre-trib rapture, escape pre-judgement view). Does that statement make sense or non-sense based on what we know written elsewhere in the bible? It makes sense.

Okay, lets try this one:
In the days of Noah, Noah entered the ark during the flood (pre-wrath rapture, escape during judgement view). Does that statement make sense or non-sense based on what we know written elsewhere in the bible? It makes non-sense. It is a perfectly false statement.

Okay, lets try this one:
In the days of Noah, Noah entered the ark after the flood receded from the earth (post-trib rapture, God has poured out all His wrath and vengeance judgement on all the earth, good and bad alike take it all on the chin view). Does that statement make sense or non-sense based on what we know written elsewhere in the bible? It makes non-sense. It is a perfectly false statement.

The Lord said His return would be just like, exactly like the days of Noah and Lot. The flood of the earth in Noah's day was judgement. The coming flood will be judgement. If Noah entered the ark before the flood, so will we. Case closed, mystery solved, debate is over. As it was, so it will be again. The Lord said it, this writer believes it..Whatever your theory is about when things will happen during the coming "flood," it must fit perfectly within the context of the stories of Noah and Lot or that theory is wrong....

Timing matters...that is what this writer hears the Lord saying today.

(p.s. I understand that two posts ago in Rev 10, some people interpret time ending to mean "delay is ending." That is their opinion. According to the KJV and every literal translation I have checked, it is translated as "time ending." Regardless of what your view is on this, I have not found anyone who disagrees with the fact that the Lord will shorten the days during some portion of the time of Jacob's trouble. Time matters. "When" matters. These things are written here because the Lord has had "time" and "timing" on this writer's heart.)

grace and peace