Monday, November 20, 2023

Now It Is Mainstream News: Isr Knew and Allowed it to Happen

 link to article here.  The only reason they are admitting it now is because wayyyy too many people did not believe the lie this time so they felt like they needed to retreat to a secondary line of defense which is another lie.  Folks, they admitted they lied about everything.  All of the possible WW3 provocation over there could have been stopped cold but they allowed it in order to get a US led war on Ir@n.

Thanks be to God for exposing the lies and false flags.  Thanks be to God for restraining the far left globalist extreme narcissitic psychopaths from starting a global conflagration that would cost humanity dearly.  This is why we pray.  We pray that the Lord God will open the eyes of the masses to all of the enemy agendas, narratives and spiritual strongholds.  We pray that the Spirit of the Lord will restrain the enemy's hand from conducting any more false flag attacks.  We pray that the Lord God will wage war against those who wage war against us.

Thanks be to the Lord God Almighty for His grace and mercy because if the enemy had their way we would all already be enslaved under a medical tyranny or dead from a world war.  "They" have been very busy attempting to "decarbonize" humanity over the past 3 years and it has been the Lord God alone who has stopped them.

The prayers are working guys.  The enemy lost the scamdemic war, they lost the Ukr war and now already the tide is shifting against them in the Isr false flag war that they intended for our demise.  We are praying and the Lord is answering.  We need to redouble our efforts, staying on our knees in prayer because Nazis that are losing are dangerous animals.  

This week is Thanksgiving for which we have much to be thankful for.  When we consider the evil "they" had planned for us and then consider the relative normalcy we all still enjoy despite their war against us we should all be down on our knees thanking and praising the Lord God for His grace and mercy on our behalf.  We still have alot of work to do because they fully intend on stealing the next election so we must be down on our knees asking the Righteous Judge and loving Father to intercede on our behalf to remove the hand of wicked oppression from us.

We have prayed and the Lord has answered.  We must continue to pray because larger challenges lay ahead.  The Lord our God is very good.  Please get down on your knees this week and lift up your hands to the Lord God with a grateful heart to thank Him for all He has done for us and to ask Him to have mercy on us for all the needs we are going to have in the future.

Glory to God

grace and peace