Sunday, November 26, 2023

Pray for The Honey Badger

 The Nazis are getting desperate.  The prayers are working.  Now we need to add to our prayer list angelic and Holy Spirit protection of "orange man bad."  Orange man bad (OMB) is not perfect but neither was Moses and neither was Cyrus but the Lord God used them anyway.  OMB has a job to do as both an illumination flare over the battlefield exposing the real enemies of humanity as well as a wrecking ball.  One does not use a surgeons knife to tear down large structures that need to be demolished.  One uses the right tools for the right jobs and what this world needs is a wrecking ball to demolish enemy strongholds.

OMB is a honey badger and a wrecking ball sent by the Almighty as a blunt instrument to do some Divine wrecking.  Let us pray that the Lord's will be done through OMB.  Let us add protection of the honey badger to our prayer lists.  Be encouraged, the fact that the Nazis have grown desperate despite their demonic handlers and vast sums of money and power is proof positive that prayer works and the Lord God is busy taking care of business.

Glory to God

grace and peace