Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Pray Today: The Enemy's Longterm War on Humanity

 In a sense the enemy is making it easy to stay engaged in pray and down on our knees because every single day without fail some new piece of information comes out details from their own mouths how they plan to wage war on us.  Here is an article today where "they" plan to remove meat from our menu.  As it has been said here before they are coming after everything, from every direction, all at the same time.  This is total war aimed at "decarbonizing" humanity (who lives in carbon based wetsuits).

The scamdemic attempted genocide wasnt enough for these psychopaths, they will not be satisfied until the only carbon walking the earth is them and a handful of slaves to serve them.  This is as serious as it gets, it is total war waged against humanity by the likes of Herr Klaud at the WEF and all of their far left globalist narcisstic psychopath friends.

We need to pray that the Lord God will wage war against them as they have waged war against us.  We need to pray that the Lord God will cutoff all their supply and support just as they are attempting to cutoff all supply and support from us.  We need to pray back the promises of God, back to the Lord God and pray that He will answer His own promises in our time of need.  How do we do this, an example is listed below:

"Lord God, you promised in your Word the following:

15The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;
in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught.
16The LORD has made himself known; he has executed judgment;
the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. Higgaion.d Selah

Lord, how much longer before the nations sink in the pit they made?  How much longer before their own foot is caught in the net they hid?  How much longer before the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands?

Lord have mercy on us and show us your loving kindness in the land of the living.  Save us from our enemies who are too strong for us.  Show us Lord the light of your face and the strength of your arm.  Wage war on those who wage war against us.  Fight against those who plot and plan against us day and night.  O Lord our God you are very great.  We praise your name together as we wait in expectation for your answer.  Thank you for your great goodness to us, our families and all the brothers and sisters in Christ.  Thank you for your tender mercies and your loving kindness.  We glorify your name."

Something like this ^^^ is how we pray back the promises in addition to praying ourselves in addition to standing together in agreement in prayer about what we ask for in additon to believing in advance that we have received what we ask for.  We have alot of prayer work to do guys, lets get busy :)

Glory to God

grace and peace