Wednesday, September 11, 2024

23 and 55 Days of Good News and Encouragement

   23 Days until Feast of Trumpets 2024-We need to be ready to leave this place

55 Days until election day 2024-We need to be ready to stay in order to bind and restrain all the activities of the enemy.

Today we are going to talk about the good news of believing and receiving.

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Technically how this works is like an electrical circuit.  In an electrical circuit if you have two conductive points of contact that are connected, current (power) can flow through the circuit.  The two points of contact in our believing and receiving circuit are: 1.  an earthly/inside us/unseen creation and 2. a heavenly/in heaven/unseen creation.  What connects the circuit between the creation here on earth and in heaven is our faith.  When that "circuit" is connected power begins to flow from heaven down to earth to begin the process of creation.  Eventually, given enought time and depending on what it is we are believing for the unseen creation becomes a seen creation.

There are a number of keys here to this process.  In order for this circuit to work, we must "stand" on what we are believing for.  If we move off the electrical surface (what we are believing/asking for) then the circuit is broken and power stops flowing.  If we stand but do not engage the faith bridge that keeps the unseen earthly creation and unseen heavenly creation connected-power stops flowing.  Everything must remain connected.

So, when we ask for things we must "stand" on them without moving and continue to draw down from the heavenly creation to the earth the actual substance of the thing through faith.  This complex language can be summarized as standing in faith.  We stand and engage our faith.  The net result at the end is what we are believing for.

Eph 6

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

1 Peter 5

6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

10And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

We are believing that in this season the enemy will lose the total war they have declared against humanity.  The servant who writes to you believes the Spirit of the Lord desires such an outcome.  We who believe, are to work out that outcome day in and day out for the advancement of our Lord's Kingdom.

Our path forward is not difficult to discern and it is not hard to understand.  Our path forward is through repentance, revival and standing in righteousness.  We are to press forward into the fulness of what we were predestined to be by the will of Him who made us.  We are to be the "hall of fame" level versions of ourselves-the very best.  The purpose for pressing into that calling is to achieve our mission/vision at its highest level.  

The Lord is doing something new in the earth and we are to be part of it.  The enemy is going to have their season but today is not the day for it.  The Church is on the earth.  The Restrainer is on the earth.  Our job is to bind/restrain the darkness while we are here while simultaneously advancing our Father's Kingdom.  Each one of us has a role to play.  If you are unsure what yours is, get down on your knees and seek the Face of the Lord for guidance.  You don't need spiritual "experts" to tell you-get it from the source, the Lord your God.

Each one of us needs direct communication lines setup and operating with the Lord God at all times.  The days of Nicolaitan based "lay man" believers is over.  We are to step into the fulness of power and authority that we have been given in order to serve.  We are to move mountains and signs wonders and miracles should/will follow us.  Not because of us, but because of Him in us and us getting out of His way so He can do His work through us in this earth per His desired design.

There is nothing boring about the future, not anymore.  Stepping into the highest/best version of yourself alone should have you excited.  Yes its going to be work, yes its going to be uncomfortable, yes we are going to have to push outward on our boundaries.  However the victories that are on the other side of that process are so great you will need to pinch yourself to make sure you are actually seeing them.

Get on your knees today.  Get your own "word" from the Lord today.  He wants a direct conversation and communication with you.  We dont know where all the land mines in life are but He knows every one of them.  Keep your eyes on Christ.

Glory to God

grace and peace