Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be Ready For the Wedding Ring Eclipse and Harpazo/Rapture

 22 Days until Feast of Trumpets 2024-We need to be ready to leave this place

54 Days until election day 2024-We need to be ready to stay in order to bind and restrain all the activities of the enemy.

The Spirit of the Lord impressed strongly on this servant today that the stage is set for either possibility to perfection.  The stage is perfectly set for the rapture/harpazo/catching away of the Bride of Christ.  Today driving home this servant saw what looked like people walking and a trap door being pulled out from under their feet-pointing to this Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah/Wedding Ring/Solar Eclipse.

This world and even too many in the Church are 100% focused on the war on this earth and almost zero on the possibility of the Lord calling us up.  That is a really big problem.  Jesus Christ our Master and His Kingdom come first.  This world and the things of this world to include the battle going on all around us comes second.  If the Lord does not show up this year by 10/4-10/5, we can lean in harder on the war taking place around us.  For now we need to get our houses in order because the stage is set unlike ever before for the Bride of Christ to be pulled out of there and the time of Jacob's trouble to kick off.

This has not been settled yet so we need to put first things first.  It has been said here over and over but it appears some people are not getting the message quite right.  All EYES ON CHRIST- NOW.  Yes, brother D went all caps on you there.  Its that important.  Get your affairs in order, the impression this servant has is we are tottering in the balance 50/50.  Not talking about the election, we are talking about whether the Lord decides to pull us out or not.

We must be fully prepared to leave this world and fully prepared to stay in it and do our job here like a hall of famer.  Soldiers understand this.  We train and prepare to deploy for war at any moment.  Some soldiers go for decades or even a full career without having to go to war but they must always be ready to go.   This is no different.

Turn your eyes up.  Get right with the Lord your God and stay right.  This exercise we have been going through level ourselves up into the highest version of ourselves is equally applicable to both scenarios-going home and staying to fight.  Be ready for either.  Please, do not dismiss this message-get ready...

We don't have long to wait to find out which way this will go.  Get right and stay right with the Lord in preparation for our possible departure from this earth.  If we are still talking on 10/5 then we press forward into whats next.  Put first things first...22 days and counting!!!

Glory to God

grace and peace