Sunday, September 01, 2024

33 and 65 Days of Good News and Encouragement

    33 Days till Feast of Trumpets 2024

65 Days until election day 2024

The good news today is, all this turmoil and conflict we are going through serves a long term purpose.  All of us who believe will look back from our vantage point in eternity and be able to say : "the Lord was good to me, the Lord was faithful, His Word is true."  The things we go through, the adversity is designed to get us to walk closer with the Lord our God.  We will walk with Him in eternity, our training ground is right here right now on this earth.

Because of all the conflict it is easy to lose sight of the fact that what we are living through is a love story...He loves us first, then we love Him back.

PS 25

10All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,
for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.

So, with these things in mind-in the days, weeks and months ahead let us keep our eyes on Christ.  Our job is to keep our eyes on Him and His job is to keep His eyes on us.  Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.  I "worry" about the things He needs and He "worries" about the things I need (and He provides them).  Again, sounds like a great deal to me.  It doesnt matter what the future holds in this respect-we keep our eyes on Christ.

Prayer Moves Mountains

Pray about everything, worry about nothing.  Prayer moves mountains-two or more of us standing in agreement with each other can shake the entire earth:

Matt 18

19Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Mark 11:23

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

There are no "ordinary" believers in Christ.  There are no "lay people" in the Church.  That stuff is doctrine concocted in the bowels of hell by demons and fallen angels.  Every believer (it says "anyone") can move mountains if they believe.  The time has come to break the shackles imposed by the doctrine of demons nicolaitan system (pastors/priests conquering -nico, "lay people" -laitan.

The Spirit of the Lord is busy providing everything we who believe need for this war.  This is a war the enemy started but believers will finish.  The Lord God does not take counsel from demons or devils and when He stretches out His hand, nothing and nobody can turn it back.  The eyes and ears of the Lord are on His Church....that is you and that is me.  So, when we get right and stay right with Him-our enemies are in very serious trouble...

Isa 14:27

For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?

We who believe are the key to what is about to happen-not bill gates or klaus schwab and not george soros-they literally 100% do not matter.  They should be worrying about what the Lord God is about to do, not the other way around.

What is the Spirit of the Lord saying to the Church today?  Keep your eyes on Christ.  Continue to repent, revive and stand in righteousness.  Pray, fast, stay in the Word.  Then watch as the Lord God goes forth to do battle on your behalf.  He will wade into the enemy and they will not know what hit them.  When your enemies are defeated before your eyes, you must never turn back to the apathy and complacency that brought this world to the brink of destruction and enslavement.  The enemy is going to have their season but that was never designed to overlap with the time the Church and therefore restraint/the restrainer lives on the earth.

For however many days we have left on this earth-we must return to our Creator with our whole hearts.  He always intended for us to finish strong.  Matt 25-the parable of the talents is not about investing is a parable that teaches we are to use the assets/talents/skills/abilities/whatever we have been given to serve the Kingdom.  We are to pursue the highest version of ourselves in the days ahead to fulfill our earthly missions to the highest degree possible.  That in itself will be a full time job.

We want to receive a warm welcome when we cross the finish line and stand before our Master in heaven.  We want to hear this:

Matt 25

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

You and I and we must stay focused.  The adversity that surrounds us serves us for good and not for evil because it is driving us to do the things we should have been doing anyway.  The Spirit of the Lord says "encourage the Church" and seek His face.  You must have your own one on one communication channel open with the Lord.  You must walk with the Lord day in and day out.  As you do these things, He will give you more insight and understanding.

The nobody who writes to you is confident you are doing what is necessary to win the battle before us.  The nobody is also confident you will do what is right after the battle is won.  We must never turn back to the mistakes that brought the world to the brink of ruin.  Those mistakes are for other people to make-not us-not the Church.

Enough talking for today.  The Lord God would have you know you are loved with a love that is beyond our human understanding.  He wants to spend time with you.  He wants and cherishes that one on one time.  Lets get down on our knees today to give Him what He wants then watch what happens to the enemies of humanity when they find out there is a God in heaven who answers the prayers of His people....glory to God!!!

grace and peace