Friday, September 06, 2024

A Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets Eclipse

 This one flew under the radar but it helps explain the Spirit of the Lord's attention on this upcoming Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets 2024.  There is an annular eclipse on 10/2/24.  This is what an annular solar eclipse looks like:

You know what that looks like ^^^?  A wedding band...

This stuff is why politics and politicians and all the other stuff going on in this world is a problem.  When believers are more focused on this world and the things of this world than the Lord-its a problem.  Voting per se is not a problem.  Politics and politicians per se are not a problem, what is a problem is when that stuff comes first in a believers mind/heart/spirit and the Lord and His Kingdom are more of an afterthought.

Imagine for a moment that you are the Lord Jesus Christ looking down at the world.  What you see is most of the Church focused on the orange man and all the stuff surrounding election 2024, instead of the Bridegroom and getting married.  Would you be pleased or disappointed?  This is where we find ourselves right now.  There is about a 0% chance the great American eclipse of 2024 and another annular eclipse falling on Rosh Hashanah are coincidences.  They are absolutely positively 100% signs in the heavens for us who believe.

It has been said before but here it is again-we must give our full attention to the Lord God Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  99% of our attention and energy etc needs to be focused in His direction.  The leftovers (1%) can be split between what the orange man is doing and all the noise and distractions coming from the enemy.

The great wedding band in the sky taking place next month should have our full attention.  The possibility of the Lord pulling us out of here next month should have our full attention.  If we are still here on 10/5/24, then the restrainer has more restraining to do but lets put first things first.  The Lord Jesus Christ comes first for the Church.  We need to have our wedding garments ready because things could get real in a hurry.

When we pan the camera out to the widest view possible it makes perfect sense that the Lord would have us perfecting our game going into this season both for His possible return in the clouds to catch up His Church and/or to stand against the enemy.  Either option makes alot of sense and they are back to back events on our calendars.

We need to be ready to leave and ready to stay.  All the clueless drivel about "you will lose your faith if the Lord doesnt come back one year or another" has been proven to be the garbage we thought it was by the fact that here we are decades into this process of watching for the Lord's return and we are stronger now than ever....

It could be this year-only the Lord knows but now we have the signs in the heavens to put an exclamation point on it.  Ready to stay-ready to go.  That is the life of a soldier.  A solider trains continuously, always ready to deploy at a moments notice.  That is exactly precisely what we are doing.  We are about our Commander in Chief's business until the day He "redeploys" us out of this world.  Ready to stay-ready to go all at the same time.

2 Tim 2

 3Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus4No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 5An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. 7Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

We need to have our mind/hearts and spirits right for what is coming over the next month or two.  Be prepared to leave this world and be prepared to stay right here and fight the good fight of faith.  Either way-the Lord Jesus Christ gets 99% of our attention.  The "leftovers" can go to this worlds politics and whatever nonsense the enemy is cooking up.

For us who believe, this world is just a spiritual boot camp to prepare us to spend an eternity with the Lord our God.  Don't get distracted-keep your eyes on the prize!

The Lord our God is very great.  He has warned us and prepared us for all these things before any of it happens.  Glory to God.

grace and peace